I got the vac, but not gone from there, been too busy with home life and designing my new flyers.
I will have to look into getting hose length, prob from gardiners, and get the lecy cable sorted etc. Ive not got any spare cash to get the sl2 base sections yet, so have decided to just try it with plastic down pipe for now, it fits well, will be ok for standard 2 storey resi homes, but any higher than that it will be toooo whipy.
Still going to look into getting a trailer as the darlek (vac) i like to call it is a bit big for the van, and i have enough stuff in there already. So need to get towbar fitted and but a trailer - but the trailer can be usefull when i do end of tennacy cleans, with and without the vac - as i wont just be using it for gutters.