Wonder why ionics don't use it? They have all the resources to have tested it properly and scientifically yet none of the major players use it instead they spend thousands developing a hot system to work through the freezing weather. I have a gallon in my garage but won't be glugging any into my tank.
May I just propose that in future, if you are not going to try it, you aren't going to post in any more IPA threads, because it's clear that you don't even want to try it. What have you got to lose?
You are wrong, or partially wrong in two things.
1 : You say it floats on top of the water, okay perhaps that is so in large quantities, but how the heck do I get bubbles at the brush head whenever I use IPA? If it would float on the top, it's not going to go through the tank elbow is it? But somehow it does, maybe it's the low ratio of IPA to water that makes that possible. 2nd point.
2 : You say it's impossible that the pipes do not freeze because you need to have a certain ratio of IPA/Water. Why is it then that users pipes do not freeze?
You say it's not going to work, but something is clearly flawed in your comments, since the result of adding IPA is so apparent.
If you really want to prove us wrong, throw a coke can full in your tank, drive to your job so it mixes, and see what happens. Your atleast going to see bubbles at the glass, you've got to wait a bit longer for the freezing weather.
Go on do it, or don't post any more on this matter.