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  • Posts: 6824
friendly complaint
« on: September 19, 2008, 09:43:23 pm »
did a house the other day last one and to be fair we did it a bit quick, was blazing hot.

got home and had a nice answer phone message "hi its mrs **** youve done my windows today and sorry theyre seem to have streaked if you wouldn mind giving me a call"

so i rang her and she was so nice laughing about it! i apologised and said id come back next week and do it again, she was more than happy with that. was purely operator error i know that but if only we had more customers like this and not winge to their friends and neighbours giving us bad names.

i havent had a call for about 6 months and i do actually appreciate them now, i tell them, "if ever theres a problem let me know, ill always come back"

i always tell them as far as im concerned the window are clean when ive left and im not here to rob them

when the "not here to rob you" comment comes in they warm towards you

peter holley

Re: friendly complaint
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2008, 09:55:17 pm »
those types are few and far between :o

i rarely get complaints , but a few months ago i had one acuse me of not doing the back as when she got home the windows were dry and shed only been gone for an hour... (it was ahot day)
 i asked her if they were clean?... yes she replied ....but they are dry so you have not done them....iv been doing her windows for 5 years...
thing is i do her neighbours either side and she pays...she also said that i had missed the backs of her neighbours :o coz they were also dry :o... anyway i got paid but i will never go back, as i even did the backs again for free....

but  the following month i picked up 2 more jobs in the same street of greater value :D

Ian W

  • Posts: 1161
Re: friendly complaint
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2008, 09:27:18 am »
I always tell them to let me know if there are any problems and I don't rip people off. You are right, they do warm to you when they hear this. I have even told customers off for not letting me know there has been a small problem!  ;)
Do all the good you can, and make as little fuss about it as possible.
Charles Dickens

Re: friendly complaint
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2008, 11:04:59 am »
I've never had any call backs but will probably at some point, we are human and can make mistakes like everyone else. However I do operate the same policy, if there is a problem I will go back no porbs,

Also I know what you mean about the warm weather, I find if some are in dirrect sun light on scortching day, I have to buff them off with a microfiber, to get rid of any streaks. Also doing straights strokes instead of the swivel, seams to reduce it alittle.

gerard  :)


  • Posts: 535
Re: friendly complaint
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2008, 11:26:33 am »
did a house the other day last one and to be fair we did it a bit quick, was blazing hot.

got home and had a nice answer phone message "hi its mrs **** youve done my windows today and sorry theyre seem to have streaked if you wouldn mind giving me a call"

so i rang her and she was so nice laughing about it! i apologised and said id come back next week and do it again, she was more than happy with that. was purely operator error i know that but if only we had more customers like this and not winge to their friends and neighbours giving us bad names.

i havent had a call for about 6 months and i do actually appreciate them now, i tell them, "if ever theres a problem let me know, ill always come back"

i always tell them as far as im concerned the window are clean when ive left and im not here to rob them

when the "not here to rob you" comment comes in they warm towards you

They're the best kinda customers, I wish all were like that, but like my dad said when I first started... "dealing with the public is a real education!"

Ian W

  • Posts: 1161
Re: friendly complaint
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2008, 05:39:57 pm »
They're the best kinda customers, I wish all were like that, but like my dad said when I first started... "dealing with the public is a real education!"

Ah, the general public. Worked in the ferry industry for 20 odd years and could tell you a few stories of dealing with them. Imagine that Airport tv programme, but twice as bad.   ::)

Let's see, dragging a colleague out from the middle of a fight that erupted around her, people faking heart attacks, a mob attacking the office because of a last minute cancellation, being jeered at and threatened by a coach load of Swiss passengers because they couldn't travel due to passport problems - closely followed by a complaint letter from the Swiss consulate. Oh, happy days!  ;D

Window cleaning is a doddle in comparison.
Do all the good you can, and make as little fuss about it as possible.
Charles Dickens