Hi All,
Apologise in advance for a rambling post.
I've been trawling through this forum for a few weeks, and great it is too (that's the grovelling done
), but I've got a question cos I'm a bit confused. I've got a small business restoring Victorian tiled floors, and a big part of that is cleaning/stripping them, and for that I currently use a rotary floor machine (an old Victor Sprite). I've been experimenting with a steam cleaner recently (a little Cochinella 5 bar) and realised it gets details on the floors a lot cleaner, but it's way too small for regular use. I am also booked onto the Prochem 2-day carpet cleaning course in a couple of weeks as I want to diversify (I'm already in customer's houses, they all have carpets etc.)
So...my question is, what do I need to combine the use of, for instance, a Hydromaster hard surface cleaner (or a Cobra if I can find one) with a carpet cleaning machine?
Can I vary pressure through a carpet machine? I sometimes work on limestone and marble that need lower pressures, but ceramics need higher pressures...
Do different machines connect pipework/vac tubes differently or is there an industry standard?
It seems a bit of a minefield to the uninitiated, so I'm hoping some of you experts can help point me in the right direction.