20 years ago I filed everything in a page a day diary, work done, a 'P' or a 'C' to indicated paid or collect. Round was monthly, then also became weeky cos of shops and so on, so all work was labeled week 1/2/3/4 at the top of each page.
And of course along came computers and spreadsheets.
I spent many a frustrating hour teaching myself how to use excel, designed my invoices, developed a way to have my data for my repeat commercial work print out for me, all I did (and still do) was put current days date in the topmost invoice for the shops due on that day and clicked print
Worksheets for lads that worked for me, all details entered into the comp
Now I've come full circle, I'm back to entering my daily details in a page a day diary again!!
Even gone back to an exersize book to list new accounts, money banked, money spent etc...........sigh, retro or what
But its so easy, and so quick to flip through the pages too, maybe when palm tops can be bought for £6.50 I'll get one and go back-forwards to tapping data back into a computer again
Still print off all my invoices though.
Perhaps I'll be a real blend of modern and retro, get a shire horse, a cart, cloth cap, thick corduroy trousers, held up with bracers..........and my WFP on the cart
I'd have to insist on a decent sound system though, need my CD player
I'll miss the hot air from the car heater.....but I guess the horse may produce the occasional blast of warm, if somewhat aromatic air from time to time