I've been watching this thread for a while without passing comment as I have written extensively on TUPE on this forum in the past but now feel that I'd like to add my two penny's worth.
You can enforce a change of contract onto someone but to do this you would have to dismiss them first then re-employ - giving the employee a chance to claim unfair dismissal!
What you on with Fox?
Once they are your staff you can vary pretty much any term and condition within a transferring cleaners contract (with the exception of sick pay/benefits I am advised) as long as you give sufficient notice of the change and follow the correct procedures. This means that you don't need to dismiss them. My advice however would be not to tie the changes in with the transfer, let the contratct have chance to settle down first.
The notice period required is in line with redundancy - i.e. 1 week for every full year's service up to 13 weeks.
ETO (economic, technical or organisational) changes enable you to effect any alterations to the working structure - shift times and duration, staff numbers, working practises etc.
For example a few months ago we secured a small contract where there were 3 cleaners each working 2 hours a night, 3 days a week. The client wanted to change the pattern to a 5 night clean but with only 2 staff @ 2 hours per shift.
Through a series of meetings we have been able to make the necessary changes - and without losing any of the cleaners involved.
With regards to inheriting poor cleaners our view is that we will re-train, give documented work schedules, usually a pay rise, the right equipment & chemicals for the job and a high level of management support. If this doesn't work we go down the disciplinary route - although the crap ones usually disappear within a few days - must be a sixth sense.
With the new disciplinary/dismisssal procedures any attempt to pay staff off would be considered as a breach of procedures and a second pay out would be guaranteed.
Kev - just to confirm your thoughts - yes you have been lucky, VERY lucky!!
Hope this helps.