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kinder clean

  • Posts: 603
I know the guys with truck mounts will use something like an RX20 for cleaning a large area and finish the job in no time, but for me to do the same using my porty (powrflite pfx1350) with the wand would probably kill me.

Is there a tool that can be attached to a powerful porty in a similar way for cleaning large areas?

How about the rotovac?

I have got a small bonnet machine - Orerck orbitor, but having used it a couple of times it doesn't seem a more speedy way to clean, but maybe there are better performing bonnet cleaning systems as this is just a 13" basic machine. Also by the time you have vacuumed again is it really saving any time?


  • Posts: 11382
Change your chemical to suit the soiling, if it's pub soiling then user a high ph or if you want to come out of the green issue you can't go wrong with traditional chemical as that is what it is made for.


Ken Wainwright

  • Posts: 2107

As a starting point, use your Oreck to agitate the pre-spray prior to rinsing with your Powerflite's wand. You could use a suitable brush or even your cotton pads.  The rinse will be soooo much easier and quicker.

Next step up could be a CRB machine such as the Prochem TM4 available from this site's sponsors and other Prochem distributors, or similar machines such as Host or Envirodri.  I feel that this avenue offers a more versatile piece of equipment than a powered wand. Another option could be a "fullsize" rotary, but this has limitations for agitation on residential carpets.

Finally, IMO, the powered wand would be the last addition to your arsenal.  Although I don't have the need to run one myself, the Rotovac 360 does have a certain appeal to me.

Safe and happy cleaning :)

Veni, vidi vici, Vaxi
I came, I saw, I conquered, I cleaned up!

A Rota vac Ken!
Your just getting lazy now, or you have money to burn!
I'd stick with your first line of advice and go with agitation rather than lug a Rota vac around.
A Rota vac on a porty is like a RX20 on a Truck-mount, you don't use it on every job unlike a TM4 or rotary. They are more versatile in the domestic market.
Well that's my opinion for what its worth. ;)

Mike Roper

  • Posts: 326
I agree with whats been said- rotary with microfibre pads or brush for agitating prespray gives you a single pass with floor wand as the work has been done.


  • Posts: 11382
Welcome back Dave. ;D ;D

Machanical aggitation is the key but if you are cleaning heavy black top from pubs the quickest and easiest way is to use something that was designed for that work.


Hi Shaun,
Black top pub carpet spells 2 handed work at my age, so again out comes me rotary.Gives my helper something to do instead of watching me sweat buckets. Besides you can't beat a good scrub on black top carpet, thats what pre-spray is all about ( scrub and dwell).
Hey, this could be my new catch phrase,
Joking appart there is no substitute for agitation or dwell time when cleaning really filthy carpets. Heat plays a large part in any cleaning process but will never work as well as the right chemical used correctly.

If your tackling this type of work single handed power heads will lighten the work load but it still needs a certain amount of scrub & dwell before you can begin to extract.

Remember Scrub & Dwell it makes more sense, daft as it may sound you use far less water rinsing when you have carried out the first process corectly and the carpets do dry far quicker.

Here's test sadly only 50% of you  can carry out.

Leave your hair for 3 day's without washing it ( if you dare) and go out in the rain, now dry it with a towel and see how long it take to dry thoroughly. Then wash your hair with shampoo and do the same, you will find it dry's far quicker because there is no dirt or grease left in it. Carpet is exactly the same its not the water in the carpet that takes longer to dry, its the dirt and grease left behind that takes  longer.

Need I have to say it again SCRUB & DWELL!


  • Posts: 11382
Head and shoulders above the rest, with your soft and gentle approach especially with your wash and go attitude ;D

Dave?, Dave?, Dave ??? don't go....................I was only joking!


Shaun I think your on the wrong forum kid,
You need to be on Truckmounters talking to our Billy.
This is a cleaning forum, hand bags and shoes are on the other board. Sadly Billy knows nothing about shampoo though :'(