I suppose you need to determine your exact employment status to start with, Self-employed or Employee......answer yourself these questions.....
Could you have hired someone else to do your work, at your expense?
Did you risk your own money in doing the job?
Did you provide the main items of equipment you needed to do the job?
Did you agree to do a job for a fixed price regardless of how long the job took?
If you'd wanted, could you decide what work to do, how and when to do the work and where to do it?
Did you regularly work for a number of different people or firms?
Did you have to correct unsatisfactory work in your own time and at your own expense?
If YES, then you were probably self-employed and I don't think you'll be getting any holiday pay!!
If NO, then you were probably an employee, in which case I'd be making further enquiries...
You are entitled to holiday pay and start accruing it from Day 1 pro-rata. You only worked 2 days per week for three months so it'd probably be something like 2.5 days worth.
I'd seek advice, I'm not an expert.
From experience, people always query their holiday pay because they assume they're entitled to more than they are. It drives me up the wall.
They should be grateful for having a good job at significantly over the minimum wage....never mind holidays