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  • Posts: 1575
Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2008, 10:57:04 pm »
can u remember when rag n bone man used to give u a balloon for some rags. n salted crisps were 3d a bag  .apart from that bit of info .picking up more work than losing it .( at moment )


Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2008, 11:15:53 pm »
Yeah, forgot about the topic.

I've had one widow (fixed income) request 2 monthly instead of 1. Apart from that work is flooding in. never been as busy, not enough hours in the day at the mo'. :-\


David Slater

Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #42 on: July 31, 2008, 12:32:24 am »
The media have a policy  - keep people in FEAR of what may happen.

That is very true (remember weapons of mass destruction? global warming? )

Also there is 24 hour news, they have to put something in it; and keep repeating it and repeating it and repeating it, we hear it again and again and again, eventually we believe it when we've heard it enough times.

I never knew there was global warming til I listened to the news, I never knew there was an economic downturn either til I listened to the same news programme.

According to my work and level of business there isnt. In fact if my business was anything to go by we'd be breaking all growth records known (a year on year growth of 25%, no country in the world achieves that).

We only believe/think theres a downturn because they tell us there is, repeatedly, just in case we forget.

The papers dont want you to live in fear, neither did they invent Weapons of Mass Destruction (our government did that if you remember!) with their "dodgy dossier".

The papers didnt invent a 70% drop in mortgage approvals. Or a 35% hike in gas prices. Or a 9% hike in electric prices...or did they?

Global warming has been an issue since the 70's (remember 'The Good Life'?) It has become more of an issue today due to 'freak weather' happening on an almost yearly basis. When insurance companies refuse to quote because you live near a river or a flood plain then you know its time to sit up and take note.

If you're saying you never knew something until you read it in a paper then yes, you're probably right. (you probably never knew Gazza beat his wife until you read it in a paper).
These days news does move incredibly quickly and is disseminated around the globe almost in the blinking of an eye. Thats progress and technology....not lies and conspiracies at work.


Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #43 on: July 31, 2008, 07:32:26 am »
The media have a policy  - keep people in FEAR of what may happen.

That is very true (remember weapons of mass destruction? global warming? )

Also there is 24 hour news, they have to put something in it; and keep repeating it and repeating it and repeating it, we hear it again and again and again, eventually we believe it when we've heard it enough times.

I never knew there was global warming til I listened to the news, I never knew there was an economic downturn either til I listened to the same news programme.

According to my work and level of business there isnt. In fact if my business was anything to go by we'd be breaking all growth records known (a year on year growth of 25%, no country in the world achieves that).

We only believe/think theres a downturn because they tell us there is, repeatedly, just in case we forget.

The papers dont want you to live in fear, neither did they invent Weapons of Mass Destruction (our government did that if you remember!) with their "dodgy dossier".

The papers didnt invent a 70% drop in mortgage approvals. Or a 35% hike in gas prices. Or a 9% hike in electric prices...or did they?

Global warming has been an issue since the 70's (remember 'The Good Life'?) It has become more of an issue today due to 'freak weather' happening on an almost yearly basis. When insurance companies refuse to quote because you live near a river or a flood plain then you know its time to sit up and take note.

If you're saying you never knew something until you read it in a paper then yes, you're probably right. (you probably never knew Gazza beat his wife until you read it in a paper).
These days news does move incredibly quickly and is disseminated around the globe almost in the blinking of an eye. Thats progress and technology....not lies and conspiracies at work.

First off, after celebrity, fear sells newspapers.

Essentially the issue regarding mortgage companies IMO was going to happen, it had to, there was no way out of it, recession/downturn or no recession/downturn; the mortgae market has been overheating for too long and that had to go somewhere. Thank God for it too, some people might actually be able to afford to buy s new house if the prices fall and mortgage companies behave a little more responsibly. Saying that too with a house to sell knowing its value has already dropped 15% in the last 4 months and no viewings on the horizon, but to me the mortgage market has to find some balance, it was dramatically off-beam up until a year ago.

Re: global warming and The Good Life in the seventies  ;D  ;D  ;D what are you on. That was just a 1970's sit-com, about a couple living in suburbia sick of the 9-5 rooutine living next door to a snotty neighbour and the bird had a cute arse.

As for gloabal warming and freak weather events SINCE the 70s, what do you call all freak weather events BEFORE that time then? Just a little accident of nature perhaps? If we are entering a global warming phase in the earths evolution then thats what we're doing, but it doesnt mean we as humans caused it. Global warming happens, its unavoidable, get over it; cos it would happen if we had never been here.

Anyway, back to the topic  ;D picked up £200.00 of new work yesterday, nought wrong in my economy  ;)


  • Posts: 869
Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #44 on: July 31, 2008, 02:56:31 pm »
Ive lost about 15 custys in the last 4 weeks, the majority claiming "money being short" as the reason. The upside to this is that its made me get my arse in gear and ive managed to replace them but its definately happening, and i can only imagine that as Christmas approaches, its gonna get a whole lot worse. Pleased to hear it hasnt caught up with a lot of you yet, but prepare yourselves, because its right round the corner. If you had asked me how things were just four weeks ago, I too would have said ive never had it so good. Ive decided to try and overfill my weeks if i can so i have a bit of cushion. Be prepared, and ride it out. I personally dont think offering 8 week cleans is the answer, it spreads like an epidemic, and interferes with your routine.In theory paying 50% more for 8 weekly makes good business sense but in reality ive found theres far too many wc,s quite happy to clean at 8 weekly intervals at less than I charge for 4 weekly, and i consider myself slightly above the local average for pricing, not overly expensive.

David Slater

Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #45 on: July 31, 2008, 05:26:14 pm »
The media have a policy  - keep people in FEAR of what may happen.

That is very true (remember weapons of mass destruction? global warming? )

Also there is 24 hour news, they have to put something in it; and keep repeating it and repeating it and repeating it, we hear it again and again and again, eventually we believe it when we've heard it enough times.

I never knew there was global warming til I listened to the news, I never knew there was an economic downturn either til I listened to the same news programme.

According to my work and level of business there isnt. In fact if my business was anything to go by we'd be breaking all growth records known (a year on year growth of 25%, no country in the world achieves that).

We only believe/think theres a downturn because they tell us there is, repeatedly, just in case we forget.

The papers dont want you to live in fear, neither did they invent Weapons of Mass Destruction (our government did that if you remember!) with their "dodgy dossier".

The papers didnt invent a 70% drop in mortgage approvals. Or a 35% hike in gas prices. Or a 9% hike in electric prices...or did they?

Global warming has been an issue since the 70's (remember 'The Good Life'?) It has become more of an issue today due to 'freak weather' happening on an almost yearly basis. When insurance companies refuse to quote because you live near a river or a flood plain then you know its time to sit up and take note.

If you're saying you never knew something until you read it in a paper then yes, you're probably right. (you probably never knew Gazza beat his wife until you read it in a paper).
These days news does move incredibly quickly and is disseminated around the globe almost in the blinking of an eye. Thats progress and technology....not lies and conspiracies at work.

First off, after celebrity, fear sells newspapers.

Essentially the issue regarding mortgage companies IMO was going to happen, it had to, there was no way out of it, recession/downturn or no recession/downturn; the mortgae market has been overheating for too long and that had to go somewhere. Thank God for it too, some people might actually be able to afford to buy s new house if the prices fall and mortgage companies behave a little more responsibly. Saying that too with a house to sell knowing its value has already dropped 15% in the last 4 months and no viewings on the horizon, but to me the mortgage market has to find some balance, it was dramatically off-beam up until a year ago.

Re: global warming and The Good Life in the seventies  ;D  ;D  ;D what are you on. That was just a 1970's sit-com, about a couple living in suburbia sick of the 9-5 rooutine living next door to a snotty neighbour and the bird had a cute arse.

As for gloabal warming and freak weather events SINCE the 70s, what do you call all freak weather events BEFORE that time then? Just a little accident of nature perhaps? If we are entering a global warming phase in the earths evolution then thats what we're doing, but it doesnt mean we as humans caused it. Global warming happens, its unavoidable, get over it; cos it would happen if we had never been here.

Anyway, back to the topic  ;D picked up £200.00 of new work yesterday, nought wrong in my economy  ;)

You've really got the wrong end of the stick if you honestly think its newspapers that want you to live in fear - ask yourself how would they benefit exactly?

If you argued that a government wanted you to live in fear thereby allowing your civil liberties to be slowly eroded with cctv, ID cards, anti terror laws which can be used for just about anything a police officer chooses, right to protest that I would find hard to argue with.

The point of the programme The Good Life is to illustrate that there were real concerns as far back as the late 60's early 70's over 'global change' as it was called back then. This isnt a new phenomena i assure you.

I agree, housing has been in a bubble for several years fueled by loose lending from banks. But again, I fail to see what that has to do with newspapers. Gordon Brown promised us over a decade ago and I quote - "No more Boom and Bust"
Then went on to oversee the largest housing bubble this country has even seen fueled in part by the creation of lax lending rules and toothless policing agencies such as the FSA

Newspapers (and news media) report events NOT create the event....but they do make a handy scapegoat for those further up the food chain  ;)

Unless of course you honestly think a newspaper invented Northern Rock, Iraq, Afghanistan, housing bubble, etc etc....


Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #46 on: July 31, 2008, 05:30:36 pm »
and on my second job the neighbor tells me not to bother cleaning next door because she's had her house repossessed!

She owes me for two cleans, but this has never been a problem before...

The neighbor reckons that if I want paying I ought to get in the que with the rest of her creditors! 

I drove past this woman today in our town centre, exiting a shoe shop with a handfull of shopping bags; not food shopping bags; but 'goods' shopping bags; definately shoes and clothes from Select.


Paul Coleman

Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #47 on: July 31, 2008, 07:17:57 pm »
Ive lost about 15 custys in the last 4 weeks, the majority claiming "money being short" as the reason. The upside to this is that its made me get my arse in gear and ive managed to replace them but its definately happening, and i can only imagine that as Christmas approaches, its gonna get a whole lot worse. Pleased to hear it hasnt caught up with a lot of you yet, but prepare yourselves, because its right round the corner. If you had asked me how things were just four weeks ago, I too would have said ive never had it so good. Ive decided to try and overfill my weeks if i can so i have a bit of cushion. Be prepared, and ride it out. I personally dont think offering 8 week cleans is the answer, it spreads like an epidemic, and interferes with your routine.In theory paying 50% more for 8 weekly makes good business sense but in reality ive found theres far too many wc,s quite happy to clean at 8 weekly intervals at less than I charge for 4 weekly, and i consider myself slightly above the local average for pricing, not overly expensive.

Even in  the past two days I've lost a couple of jobs myself.  However, I've gained two that pretty much match them financially and I didn't have to look for them. The pattern of late has been a slightly higher rate of cancellation but the new jobs are keeping pace and a bit more besides.  I don't want to sound complacent but I do still feel that if I were to go out doorknocking I could up the work rate.  If I get a spate of cancellations I may well have to do that.

Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #48 on: July 31, 2008, 07:21:33 pm »
Stories laden with fear sells newspapers.

After celebrity of course.

And double decker bus found on the moon  ;D


  • Posts: 360
Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #49 on: July 31, 2008, 09:01:18 pm »
Gas has just gone up 35% :( >:(

So start expecting customers to start saving pennies, the one thing they will look at is window cleaning. What I tend to do is say to them instead of cancelling do you want it done every 10 weeks.

i agree, and that finance expert martin whatever his name is, is sure that gas will rise by aprox 25% again in january.people are going to be unable afford to put their heating on,never mind fork out on  bloody window cleaning.

tough times ahead lads


peter holley

Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #50 on: July 31, 2008, 09:09:42 pm »
these posts are all a bit extreme...times are getting tighter ... but i havnt been affected YET....


Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #51 on: August 01, 2008, 12:14:42 pm »
and on my second job the neighbor tells me not to bother cleaning next door because she's had her house repossessed!

She owes me for two cleans, but this has never been a problem before...

The neighbor reckons that if I want paying I ought to get in the que with the rest of her creditors! 

I drove past this woman today in our town centre, exiting a shoe shop with a handfull of shopping bags; not food shopping bags; but 'goods' shopping bags; definately shoes and clothes from Select.


Tosh, That doesn't mean anything, in fact it proves a point. These people are so stupid they think money grows on trees. She's probably got a new credit card from somewhere and is out on a spree to cheer herself up.

A bloke of my aqaintance, I won't say a friend because I think he's  a D-Head, made himself voluntarily bankrupt owing lots of people money and then got hold of a credit card from somewhere and blew £7,000 on a holiday to Mexico.

They come from the planet Zog.


Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2008, 01:25:21 pm »
and on my second job the neighbor tells me not to bother cleaning next door because she's had her house repossessed!

She owes me for two cleans, but this has never been a problem before...

The neighbor reckons that if I want paying I ought to get in the que with the rest of her creditors! 

I drove past this woman today in our town centre, exiting a shoe shop with a handfull of shopping bags; not food shopping bags; but 'goods' shopping bags; definately shoes and clothes from Select.


A bloke of my aqaintance, I won't say a friend because I think he's  a D-Head, made himself voluntarily bankrupt owing lots of people money and then got hold of a credit card from somewhere and blew £7,000 on a holiday to Mexico.

They come from the planet Zog.

i know some1 who set out to run up massive debts, he got a few credit cards, spend a little, paid it off in time, built up his ratings and got a few more

run up 85 K of debts, mainly cash transferes, had a off-shore bank account, then went down the IVA route, paid back very bery little of it

then sat on the money and plans to pay off the mortgage in a few years with his money from X country


  • Posts: 16952
Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #53 on: August 01, 2008, 07:06:11 pm »
and on my second job the neighbor tells me not to bother cleaning next door because she's had her house repossessed!

She owes me for two cleans, but this has never been a problem before...

The neighbor reckons that if I want paying I ought to get in the que with the rest of her creditors! 

I drove past this woman today in our town centre, exiting a shoe shop with a handfull of shopping bags; not food shopping bags; but 'goods' shopping bags; definately shoes and clothes from Select.


Tosh, That doesn't mean anything, in fact it proves a point. These people are so stupid they think money grows on trees. She's probably got a new credit card from somewhere and is out on a spree to cheer herself up.

A bloke of my aqaintance, I won't say a friend because I think he's  a D-Head, made himself voluntarily bankrupt owing lots of people money and then got hold of a credit card from somewhere and blew £7,000 on a holiday to Mexico.

They come from the planet Zog.
It`s not that easy to just make yourself bankrupt these days,that used to be an easy cop out but not anymore the debt stays with you now were ever you go.No mortgage for at least 8-10 years is just the 1 hurdle he`ll have to over come,if was that easy everyone in the first sign of trouble would be doing it.Today the majority of the debts you have in business will stay with you.


  • Posts: 968
Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #54 on: August 01, 2008, 07:40:44 pm »
What about personal debts though? If you were made bankrupt then would the debts stay with you or does that apply to businesses only?
WCE- For Windows that shine everytime!


Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #55 on: August 02, 2008, 07:27:18 am »
What about personal debts though? If you were made bankrupt then would the debts stay with you or does that apply to businesses only?

Debts never go away they just lie dormant. Most big institutions write them off eventually but there is a danger that they can sell the debt on to a third party who then reactivates it.

I watched a program a while back about a woman who went bankrupt years ago when a miliners shop she had went under. Years later she gets a letter out of the blue from a debt collecting agency who had bought her debt.

Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #56 on: August 02, 2008, 08:04:10 am »
Its dead after 6 years of inactivity, either from the original creditor or anyone it may have been sold to.



Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #57 on: August 02, 2008, 08:45:56 am »
Ive got a mate who had unpaid debts for years went abroad ,then when he returned he new it was after the 6 years so contacted them to say he was back in the country and it had been wiped from the comp.



  • Posts: 25123
Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #58 on: August 02, 2008, 10:08:28 pm »
And then you arrange a fake canoeing accident  ...
It's a game of three halves!

Re: The Credit Crunch Must Be Squeezing...
« Reply #59 on: August 02, 2008, 10:19:11 pm »
and on my second job the neighbor tells me not to bother cleaning next door because she's had her house repossessed!

She owes me for two cleans, but this has never been a problem before...

The neighbor reckons that if I want paying I ought to get in the que with the rest of her creditors! 

I drove past this woman today in our town centre, exiting a shoe shop with a handfull of shopping bags; not food shopping bags; but 'goods' shopping bags; definately shoes and clothes from Select.


A bloke of my aqaintance, I won't say a friend because I think he's  a D-Head, made himself voluntarily bankrupt owing lots of people money and then got hold of a credit card from somewhere and blew £7,000 on a holiday to Mexico.

They come from the planet Zog.

i know some1 who set out to run up massive debts, he got a few credit cards, spend a little, paid it off in time, built up his ratings and got a few more

run up 85 K of debts, mainly cash transferes, had a off-shore bank account, then went down the IVA route, paid back very bery little of it

then sat on the money and plans to pay off the mortgage in a few years with his money from X country
Think this guy maybe deluded, I had a debt from when I was 18 I said I was not paying it as I got ripped off, forgot about it head in sand at that age, I am 32 now when/if it goes to court you have to pay it simple or prison is the answer.

I got a attachment to earnings when I was 22 so I stopped work then worked for myself I then got a court date if I did not pay the court I still pay this now even though it annoys the hell out of me each month.