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crystal pure systems

  • Posts: 15
Re: Bio Desiel
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2008, 06:42:20 pm »

 i posted topic on 360 repair  bill for my van, the van was a fiat scodio 2ltr jtd
did not work in that at all, but also tryed it in my car what is a peugeot 307 hdi
works good accept losing 100miles per tank of fuel.


  • Posts: 1774
Re: Bio Desiel
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2008, 07:36:21 pm »
The big different is who makes the stuff,like anything if its made crap then it will work crap.The place i buy it is running hgv and diggers, of which i have seen him fill up before i did out of the same tank which is like the ones in a normal fuel station. He's been going now for three years with no complaints,so i thought i would give it a go.