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Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: Renting out or selling work - some advice needed
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2008, 06:33:06 pm »
I am not scared to lose any , hence the confidence when speaking to the customer.

Just got back again , I got about  about 8 yes's and 2 who will phone which means no in my eyes.

Re: Renting out or selling work - some advice needed
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2008, 08:21:54 pm »
The £1800 is as was, I have just been back out and not done too good this time, a couple of tight wad estates just got a £14 turned to £20 and a few others at 40 ish % in price. I didnt pressurise them, had a few hums and ahs.

As for my approach, big smiley face and just said the old window cleaner was giving up because he couldnt make a living, also gave them added value by saying we will keep there frames clean which we do as standard anyway.

I also tell them they can brag that they have got an m&s window cleaner to there neighbors   ;DThe odd one looked at me as though they had stood in something, but i just smiled and said thanks for your time.

lmao Love it lol thats just made me laugh loads nice one and thank you


  • Posts: 436
Re: Renting out or selling work - some advice needed
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2008, 08:26:07 pm »
Well ive just done my maths and this is what we could do right now:

89 customers ready to sell or rent @ £1268 per month income, very compact work. Been doing the work for up to 3.5 years.

That works out at £14.25  average price per customer.

Very afluent area with easy chance of expansion.

That's why we are selling. Too much work!!

Would happily show anyone the round and introduce them to every customer.

Ideal work for someone just starting or expanding.

We have worked very hard to establish our round so we will not be haggling on price!!

Available to rent at £378 per month. Minimum 12 month contract.

Available for sale at £5000.00. NON NEGOTIABLE.

This work is all based in and around the Southwell area of Nottinghamshire. Maximum distance from Southwell would be 5 miles away.

We have sold other work on Clean It Up so please see previous positive comments from buyers.

If interested please email me at


Obviously it wouldn't be practical for me as I'm 200 miles away. 

 I think a key issue that seldom gets a mention is access.  There are very few custmers who we phone to pre arrange due to access, obviously there are a couple but we only do this if they have issues with us going over gates, obviously the people who are loaded and have big bad electric gate have to be phoned, but hey if you want to clean bad ass big house you will have to put up with this.

Good pricing is all very well but I've found that poor access (i.e. having to phone people up to pre-arrange) seriously diminshes the quality of a round.  It's not just about having to make the calls.  It's about the responses you get.  The most difficult bit is when you leave a message for access on a voicemail and never know if it's been heard or some quite simply forget to leave access even after it's been arranged. 

 Sometimes there is simply no access because they're away on holiday but you don't know that until you've taken the trouble to turn up.All our customers are cleaned even if they are way unless they have specifically said they are away. WE HAVE NEVER EVER HAD AN ISSUE WITH THIS

  On my own round I only have about 6 who I phone up in advance.  The other ones with access problems either supply me with a combination number or a spare key to a gate padlock - either that or the key is left in a very discrete place.  I currently sub part of a bought round from a company to supplement my main work.  75% of it needs to be pre-arranged.  It's impossible to plan it.  Some of them require this type of service and they don't even have voicemail  !!  I'm just glad it only occupies about 3 days per month.
Oooooo that is shiny!!