Just to let my friends know!!
I passed and it is multiple choice, there is not a requirement by law to have the CSCS card but it will be mandatory by 2010 and you may not get on sites now without it.
For my new friend Justme - who seems to have spit his dummy out of the pram have a look at my website and ask yourself whether that is a company that works on a national level, Based in Stoke on Trent and I have two lads working in London tomorrow night, 3rd time down there in the last week.
If you are running a succesful business can I have your website address - really an integral part and useful marketing tool for any developing business.
I cannot see how having a Hons in electical & engineering will serve any purpose in the cleaning sector.
Any self employed person will have a bespoke risk & method statement - they should be bespoke for each and every site. I have these and they were taken from a package and adapted fom a set that cost £3000.00.
I am confident that wherever you are at that if you take your attitude into the world that I live in then it will not serve you well. I am absolutely sure that I can teach you articulation and a customer focused attitude that will change your business - if you are prepared to see that you come across as a bit of an a*!e hole.
Your advice was not sound it came from a boo hoo attitude because I am going to see about the works in Nottingham tomorrow and you didn't like it and tried to have a sideways swipe to discredit my character.
It failed.
If you have a business employing 14 people I hope for your employees sake that you conduct yourself in front of them and for them in a slightly different manner than you have conducted yourself on here.
I wish you well and hope that your business continues to develop.