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drive surgeon

  • Posts: 2812
just finished cleaning heavy weed infested driveway
« on: July 10, 2008, 06:10:42 pm »
i soaked the whole drive two weeks prior to cleaning with sodium chlorate, got there today and yes they were all dead, no problem, but jesus the dead roots were mighty tough for blasting out with the turbo nozzle, i applied another load of weedkiller after cleaning to make sure,  i was wondering if it would have been just as easy cleaning it while the weeds were alive instead of killing them off first??  they may have been lesss tough?  anyway i used two lots of weedkiller my way, but the job looks great. took longer than thought tho.

Kevin R

  • Posts: 906
Re: just finished cleaning heavy weed infested driveway
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2008, 06:26:59 pm »
Sometimes I think its just quicker to wash first and weed-kill after especially if your coming back to re-sand and seal.


  • Posts: 92
Re: just finished cleaning heavy weed infested driveway
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2008, 09:01:59 pm »
ive always find that grass/weeds come out alot easier when dead (they lose there strength) so imagine what it would of been like!

Think you did it the right way, some jobs are just tough i suppose.



  • Posts: 1041
Re: just finished cleaning heavy weed infested driveway
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2008, 01:49:36 pm »
i soaked the whole drive two weeks prior to cleaning with sodium chlorate, got there today and yes they were all dead, no problem, but jesus the dead roots were mighty tough for blasting out with the turbo nozzle, i applied another load of weedkiller after cleaning to make sure,  i was wondering if it would have been just as easy cleaning it while the weeds were alive instead of killing them off first??  they may have been lesss tough?  anyway i used two lots of weedkiller my way, but the job looks great. took longer than thought tho.
Be careful the sodium chlorate, if it gets near any other plants and shrubs it will kill them, so if you washed it off near them you will probably be getting a call in a month or so time when they all start to die. And also you need to hold a PA1 and PA6A certificate by law to apply pesticides, Big fine if you get caught, or cause problems washing the water into a foul drain, the environment agency can trace it back to the drain. The PA1 and PA6A training can be done at your local agricultural collage. IF YOU HAVENT GOT ONE YOU WILL GET CAUGHT, a mate of mine works for environment agency and he said the are clamping right down on what gets flushed down foul water drain.
Natural stone floor restoration service.
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  • Posts: 424
Re: just finished cleaning heavy weed infested driveway
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2008, 07:57:31 pm »
I always get the weed killer down the minute i get the job along with a deposit so they don`t cancel.I did a job last week and didn`t have chance to put weed killer down,washed weeds out,put weed killer down,although it was a bit damp,hot day though,came back at tea time and sanded,gave it another light spray with weed killer,lady rang friday to say weeds were coming through so had to go back and get a dozen little weeds out,re-sand were weeds were and give it another dose of weed killer,i deffo reckon getting it down the week before cleaning is the one as this is the only time this has happened.


  • Posts: 424
Re: just finished cleaning heavy weed infested driveway
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2008, 10:30:41 pm »
Yes clint,just read posts,going to have a bash at my amtico floors,ned to source best gear and read up on products,i`ll keep picking brains and bugging people like i did when i started cleaning driveways Clint,ha ha.I want something to do when autumn arrives and driveway cleaning ends,thanks mate, dan

drive surgeon

  • Posts: 2812
Re: just finished cleaning heavy weed infested driveway
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2008, 08:12:29 am »
i dont think we need a licence to apply normal sodium chlorate as they sell it in b and q, anyone can use it. as long as u use it safely, it never goes down the drains, i apply it on a dry day so it soaks into the joints.