The opinions here are unanimously wise.
But it is always better to be wisely rich than to be wisely poor!
Andy quoted £300 yet customer thinks it is too expensive.
Carlton Care put it wisely and questions “expectation”.
Kev shares his identification experience from pictures (wasting time for on-site identification).
Marks sums up the degree of technical difficulties accurately.
Judy brings out the point of need to educate customer.
For Joe, it good grief not to be there, I share his sentiment too.
Paul is realistic about a minimum of £1000, maybe up to £3000 for me.
Quote Carlton’s “Your expectation - ?? “.
I translated it as “Price equals Service Input”.
The higher the quality of our service the higher is our price.
In leather, cheap can be very expensive!
And expensive service can be very cheap!
Quote Andy “Anyway, it is not a moot point now…”
It is a beginning of a reassessment of this tricky leather cleaning and restoration business.
It may snap all our energy and time for nothing.
The science of leather cleaning is completely thrown out of this forum especially the “pH Value”.
Without a pH value, there is no science in our educating our customer.
How do we explain the chemistry technicality of leather cleaning that brings value to our service?
Without a technical presentation of why certain products in certain sequence of cleaning process is necessary to achieve the desired result that translate to cost, how would the customer understand the need for a higher cost of service.
This customer outright throw out of a £300 “cheap” quote is a classic example of a lack of technical presentation on the principle of leather cleaning.
A very good educational presentation would be able to secure this job for £3000 instead.
If we have equal opportunities and need to sloth for a living than why go “for a lamb instead of a sheep”?
I am here to help.
So that!
Your customer “wins”.
You “win”.
And I “win”.
Roger Koh
Leather Doctor® System.