Was working today (WFP), got a good speed going on a street I do about half the houses. The local council were reparing parts of the road preparing it for a new surface. I noticed the guy driving the JCB watching whenever he was close by. Eventually he was walking past and started up a conversation -
'Heh, that looks like a good way to do it'
Yes, it works well, saves me going up a ladder.
'How many customers do you do around here'
Well, I do about 300.
'oh, how many can you do a week'.
I get about 15 done a day.
Another bit of conversation followed, nothing interesting really, I knew he was building up to the big question.
'So what does it cost to clean a house around here'
With a perfectly straight face I said 'Well it's between £3.50 and £4.50 depending on whether they have a conservatory or not. He lost interest sharpish and wandered off. Now I know some areas will only stand £5.00 but this area my aveage is £11.00 a house. Didn't want to tell him that though.