tds is 450 from tap
water pressure pretty good 500 lts takes 7 hours. Not sure how to test pressure?
tds reading from ro is around 100 which i know is not right.
I over flush regular 20 mins before a fill etc as well as running through a softener. I rekon membrain if f@@@ed im expecting a call from pure freedom tomorrow. RO is 8 months old.
Sorry for not getting back sooner. Your input TDS is high but workable with. Your input pressure sounds very low as a 4040 at this time of year should be producing about twice that much product in 7 hours. TDS from RO is ridiculously high as it means you have a rejection rate of only 80%. I would suspect an inferior quality membrane.
There are ways to improve your output TDS and your production rate. One, is to add a booster pump. Something like a Shurflo 160 psi would probably give you double the production rate and would lower your output TDS (as long as your membrane is not wrecked). The other, is to fit a different kind of membrane. Two types come to mind, one that works down to 50 psi input and has a very high production rate, the other is one that works all the way down to 15 psi whilst still producing a good amount of water.
Best thing is to let Pure Freedom try and sort you out. If that fails, get back to us.
My personal thoughts are that water softeners can be a waste of time. I feel it's better to flush more regularly and have a slightly higher waste ratio and not worry about water softening (not all will agree with me though).