I'm stuck at home waiting for some hoses to turn up today, so I'm stuck watching the forum, should find something better to do. I am surprised though that this thread has been allowed to go this far and so far off topic.
I know many a word has been said in jest, tongue in cheek jibing. But for the JW's participating, what would Jesus do? Ask a question like how many JW's could you have taken out?
All though I may have been guilty of it in the past, I don't think using scriptures references on this forum is fair, it's like talking a different language to some people, if some dude come on and started speaking Spanish we'd be like WHAT?!? If you want to use a scripture just quote it.
How about the principle behind this scripture, "Do not throw your pearls before swine." I'm not calling any forum member swine, but listen they've made their mind up just move on.
As for Shiner be a mod, well I've never read a post about window cleaning of his that I didn't agree with. Why anybody would want to moderate us lot though beggars belief. But I'm sure he would make a good one.
Enough said