Leafletting needs to be planned otherwise you're just throwing money away. Pick an area where there are the customers you want to service then leaflet the same houses every month or 2 months at least. This way over time you can build up a customer base. Imagine putting a thousand leaflets out, the response rate varies from around 5 to 1% sometimes even a lot less. So you have an estate of 500 houses. If you leaflet that estate once you might hit on 2-3 people who were thinking of having cleaning done, another couple may put the leaflet in the drawer, the rest are binned. If thats all you leaflet you'll end up with 2-3 customers on that estate and maybe a couple of referals. If you do that estate every month, people will get to know the name and you'll hit other people who are thinking of having the work done. This way over a 12 month period you could potentially pick up 50-60 customers plus referals. This is the only way leaflets work, cost effectively anyway. One guy on here does carpet cleaning and pressure washing and sends out 45,000 every month. He rarely works more than 5 miles from his house, has 2 vans and is stowed off with work. Costs a grand a month for printing and delivery, thats £230 per week over the year. Sounds a lot but this is the kind of money you need to spend if you want to be busy. One decent job can pay for the leaflets each week.