It shouldent matter, (edit, as long as you put them both straight again!)
look how your nozzle is on the lance, you want the fan effect under the fsc in line with the bar (you can work this out, just think about what is happening under the fsc). tighten each nozzle up untill the slit is running parallel with the bar. both nozzles should look the same and be in the same position, the angle of the bar will do the rest
If your no better off,
grease the bearing, run water through the bar minus the nozzels, get the nozzles up to the light again and check they arnt blocked, finally the rotary bearing may of got damaged and need replacing.
on a final note has the bar become bent, this will slow it down, upto 1 cm bend is as far as you want to let it bend (imo) before you replace it.