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My Views on investment are?

Paying what seemed overthetop money was the best thing I ever did
30 (50%)
I regret spending so much
9 (15%)
I invest only the minimum
21 (35%)

Total Members Voted: 56


  • Posts: 2056
Re: Investment Always Pays
« Reply #60 on: April 23, 2008, 08:27:04 pm »
 ;D no wonder you are so popular ;)

Re: Investment Always Pays
« Reply #61 on: April 23, 2008, 09:52:10 pm »
I do find it interesting that championing investment, and trying to flesh it out a bit with bits about myself should provoke such hostility.Sprinkling salt on slugs springs to mind.

It was very encouraging that some of the bigger concerns chipped in a little- cheers charlie- but predictable that the same old people should dumb this down straight away to a demand for facts and figures.

When DJW talked about his own 10k investment and deemed it poor, the one thing he forgot of course is that he is still in year one.

Thanks for all your input guys.


  • Posts: 1806
Re: Investment Always Pays
« Reply #62 on: April 23, 2008, 09:58:14 pm »
Mr Sol I think you should lock this thread to get rid of it, as the title 'Investment always pays' makes you sound a little bit uninformed, as it is clearly nonesense!!!  ;)


  • Posts: 2056
Re: Investment Always Pays
« Reply #63 on: April 23, 2008, 10:07:43 pm »
Mr Sol I think you should lock this thread to get rid of it, as the 'title Investment always pays' makes you sound a little bit uninformed, as it is clearly nonesense!!! ;)
keep this up gh and we may be accused of getting on ;D
this is the point i have made from the start
its a massive generalisation to say that investment ALWAYS pays
trouble is sol will not be wrong
even if you give examples of investment FAILING
clive loves gadgets
he likes to spend
anyone who does not agree with the text books is wrong
well sorry but in  summary
there are plenty of examples to show this to be true
so qualify your statement or shut the flip up mr sol ::)

Re: Investment Always Pays
« Reply #64 on: April 24, 2008, 06:14:52 pm »
I agree that this thread has run it's course and probably should be locked as the same old ground is being covered and even the insults are looking a little tired.

It's a forum, points and posts are best made briefly without the waffle to qualify every statement. This post, as the attached poll was about peoples views, not if a particular statement is right or wrong. My view is that investment always pays, yours seems to be the opposite view.

You are not likely to change your opinion, but the voting - 50%- saying that buying what seemed an overpriced system was the best thing they ever did, should at least give you pause. Again in my view you either invest and move on or stay where you are, it's up to you really.