hi mat
i have allways just worked from one bank account, every thing goes into it from there all is directed to where it needs to go, i have a spread sheet on xcell linked to income .
at top has income then everthing that goes out. ie house keep, mortgage, van utilities, VAT , business expense in red. (non business black for accounts purpose only) any thing and every thing we spend
i have never done % of income thats why i use spread sheet it, so its clearer to see,
i never assign accounts for items we want or for vat or for mtge, it just all goes one pot so its clearer what we need to earn, then i just do the jobs, its banked, then we get on with living.
from there we work out what we need over the year for holidays, savings for van/ car. unforeseen things. pop that amount in spread sheet.
then we ask ourselves, how much do we need to earn to comfortably assign all outgoings leaving a little spare for when we are older
like you all i want is needs meet! whether this involves me doing all the work or whether i employ to help me. having more time for family, currently i have changed my life style and i have 2-3 days a week doing things i want to do with my life.