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HELP slip n slide users
« on: March 15, 2008, 07:01:01 pm »
Hi all


we will be at the windex show as we have a stand there ,
as part of the stand we would like to have some testimonials from anyone who has bought and has used the slip n slides
just a few lines will do and if you don't mind if we could put your name /or company name .
your honest thoughts and how you use them would be good



brett walker

  • Posts: 1943
Re: HELP slip n slide users
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2008, 09:52:41 pm »
Hi Andy

privilaged that i was the first person on the forums you shared your invention the slip n slide with at nec windex last year as i visited all the stall holders with you and saw such grest interest, as its going so well and some of the top suppliers are stocking it its a must product for anyone with a van mount.  As you know i am a trolley user but the amount of dog muck i get round with it is a god send

i know you have got many more inventions in the pipeline i look forward to seeing them 8)

see you at windex mate :)




Re: HELP slip n slide users
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2008, 09:24:06 am »
What is Slip n Slide ???

Alex Gardiner

  • Posts: 7740
Re: HELP slip n slide users
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2008, 09:28:25 am »


Re: HELP slip n slide users
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2008, 01:21:01 pm »
Very Clever :D

Wayne Thomas

Re: HELP slip n slide users
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2008, 06:49:04 pm »
Honest feedback. I bought some from ebay when they were first launched. Not very impressed with them because they are too light and don't stay on the corner of a building where placed for dragging/pulling hose around them as they are too light. Fine on grass if pegged down to avoid flowerbeds and dog/cat excrement.

Window Cleaning Services

  • Posts: 187
Re: HELP slip n slide users
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2008, 08:46:34 pm »
on the slip n slide if the ground is very soft/wet the pegs dont seem man enough to hold it in position while you are dragging the hose through it. great for car tyres and corners of walls though. 8) Syd