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  • Posts: 131
hows business for you
« on: March 04, 2008, 04:11:18 pm »
just wondering hows it going in your area ?? we are not experiencing a down turn as many said so far this year............quoted a office block today approx 30 staff.......all so a communal clean 6 weekly and the icing on the cake just won a contract with a local builder for the next 2 years  ;D ;D council house renavations bathroom and kitchens only to clean  and tomorrow a grounds maintenance job to quote....things are looking  8) 8) just got to find some decent staff that could be a bit more tricky.

so are things good  ;D ;D.......bad  :'( :'( or steady  :-\ :-\


  • Posts: 465
Re: hows business for you
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 04:57:09 pm »
we have just lost 3 domestic cleans and lost a pub purely on price in jan. :'(

Not a great start to the year but these things happen and looking to develop carpet cleaning side of things more during spring.


  • Posts: 1945
Re: hows business for you
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2008, 07:08:12 pm »
hi there,

jan and feb for us slow, but so was jan 2007, incidentally march 2007 was a slow month for us.


its gone mad !!!!!

and if it all comes in then, thats 2008 done, so fingers crossed !!!

good luck everyone, and make sure you make the most of every opportunity




  • Posts: 619
Re: hows business for you
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2008, 08:05:49 pm »

My domestic side is slowing down even new builds , the phone is not even ringing as much I think people are slowing down their spending.


Alan Rowley

Re: hows business for you
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2008, 07:58:48 am »
Lost three cleans this year, all saying they could no longer afford us. Fortunately, they were the three least profitable ones and if I could have chosen three to get rid of, it would have been those three.

On the positive side, have gained a couple of cleans in the last couple of weeks, but both are small and fortnightly.

So, a very indifferent start to 2008, but isn't it always like that in January / February? Hoping for an upturn once the sun starts shining.

*Chris Browne

  • Posts: 863
Re: hows business for you
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2008, 09:41:44 am »
Have found the last few weeks the quietest for some time now and also many clients asking to have there hours reduced.



  • Posts: 56
Re: hows business for you
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2008, 10:53:45 am »
Dec and Jan were very bad, feb fantastic with a great new contract. Now on the brink of making a proper business out of this and getting office space with admin staff as i cannot do it all alone. It's a big step and would be grateful if anyone can give me any advice on stepping things up a gear.
cheers karl


  • Posts: 131
Re: hows business for you
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2008, 11:44:21 am »
Dec and Jan were very bad, feb fantastic with a great new contract. Now on the brink of making a proper business out of this and getting office space with admin staff as i cannot do it all alone. It's a big step and would be grateful if anyone can give me any advice on stepping things up a gear.
cheers karl

get a good accountant is my advice..........ours chases payments does the pay roll given us invaluable advice sorts all the accounts for the tax man (god bless em  ::) ::)) takes a lot of the pressure off us so we can concentrate on the day to day running of the business.........about £1200.00 a year fees money well spent in our experience  ;)

Alan Rowley

Re: hows business for you
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2008, 01:44:44 pm »
get a good accountant is my advice..........ours chases payments does the pay roll given us invaluable advice sorts all the accounts for the tax man (god bless em  ::) ::)) takes a lot of the pressure off us so we can concentrate on the day to day running of the business.........about £1200.00 a year fees money well spent in our experience  ;)

Seconded. We're cleaners not accountants. My accountant told me when I went to see him for the first time that what took me all morning to do, he could do in half an hour. He also told me to trust no-one and keep my wallet shut. Wise words!