after years of experiance & 3 ladders stolen down the years i feel that i have now know how to stop them going walkies
i use 4 ladder clamps & 2 very thick bike chains all interlocked together . thats 6 padlocks alltogether
i know this sounds like a pain but once they are unlocked in the morning i dont completely lock them all up again until end of the day.
the thing is if someone wants your ladders they will get them. i had a new ladder [10 days] chained on top of my van so they just took the lot roof rack as well
another time i had the oldest most decrepid ladder
in the world tied on van no lock for 1hr they nicked it
wasnt worth a tenner.
my van is now like fort knocks they would have to cut them off now ......dont give them the chance you "ll be sorry.......................scumbags......................