because nobody is looking over my shoulder when i clean them i spray both sides of the mattress with anything that is low ph, keeping it in it's usual position on the bed, i then stand on a chair at the end of the bed and and extract at a low psi with the carpet wand turning the mattress over to do the other side, then i spray and extract the base in the same way
i have a glide on my wand and they are only left damp, also make sure you use an acid rinse, it can help with pee stains although they often don't shift no-matter what you do. i do clean mattresses for domestics and i will often use my stair tool, dont be worried about what you use, the customer hasn't got a clue, why fanny around taking an hour to clean one side if you can get it done it 10 minutes, the results the same, just keep the psi down and i would spray with the clensan afterwards and of course stand the mattress on it's side leaning it against a wall or something. i definatley wouldn't extract with a furni' tool, you'll be there forever!