My apologies Simon, I thought you meant the type of work. More power to your elbow, and I endorse your tongue in cheek reference to poofs :

I started window cleaning in about 1969-70 and did all the London schools (the old "three-decker" ones with the artroom on the top). We didn't use ladders, just climbed out and stood on the sills.
H&S would go into hysterics if they could see some of the stunts we used to pull

Don't get me wrong, I love ladder work, it's just that I'm getting a bit long in the tooth to do it day in and day out as I used to, that's why WFP is such a godsend to me

As to quality, yes, I agree you can't beat a skilled man with a squeegee, but I love the way you can bring the plastic frames etc back to looking like new with a couple of strokes of the brush