On dirty windows, or ones that are well weathered and not been cleaned for months I would agree the Bentley isn't the best, you have to scrub a lot, side to side and up and down to hopefully clean every inch of glass.
The 2ml jets though are fine, as for flowrate, if I wanted I could have the water jetting 20ft, which is WAY too much!
I cope with a flow that gives a jet of about 4ft.
On repeat clean work the Bentley is fine, used with a carbonfibre pole, the low weight allows you to scrub quickly as there is little inertia to overcome.
Dried on bird poo is a pane though

And as has been said, the higher you go, the advantage of using this ultra light brush becomes more apparent.
It only lasts about 6 months though, so it isn't very hard wearing, but then, it is as cheap as chips to replace anyway.