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  • Posts: 807
What am I doing wrong??
« on: February 19, 2008, 08:09:06 pm »
Have hit a wall with my work.... dont know what I'm doing wrong!!

I'm losing customers by the minute..... having loads of "not today thank you"s.... and to top it all off, whenever I canvass, my prices are either treated with total scorn and laughed at, or I get a "yeh I'll call you"... and I never hear back.

Was absolutely flying last month, beating records left right and center but now I just cant be a**sed..... any ideas guys? My work feels stale and I'm having no luck replacing it!!


Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2008, 08:13:06 pm »
You need to pull your finger out and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Remember how positive you felt last month when it was all up and carry that into tomorrow.

Negativity breeds negativity and you will be putting this attitude across to your potential customers.

Deep breath in the morning and put a big smile on your face and then off you go.

Good luck

Rob ;D


Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2008, 08:14:56 pm »
Be in control of YOUR BUSINESS and don't let them tell you when they want it cleaned.

You clean them on your schedule not to suit them.

Never let your customers tell you what and when

Rob ;D


  • Posts: 6824
Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2008, 08:24:58 pm »
i know how you feel though buddy, a couple of weeks ago, 2 people mentioned something about the last clean, and then a few not todays, when the previous day i picked up about 7 customers.

chin up, im back on track now, dont let them get you down fella,  ;)


  • Posts: 807
Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2008, 08:28:59 pm »
Cheers guys... :) Guess I have just gotta rise above it. Tis just hard to hide negativity!! Just feel like I must be doing something wrong... is my pricing out?? Or is this just not a very good time of year to pick up customers? Or are people just tightening their belts?

I dont think the customers I've lost are because of a bad job (apart from one moaner.... wuz underpriced anyway) ... I've been keeping a close eye on the quality of my work. Tis just people have moved, retired and decided to do it themselves, cant afford it etc etc... just all seems to add up?!

Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2008, 08:37:17 pm »
I've been in the same boat several times, work picks up for a while and you're on a high, then you lose a few, get fed up, can't seem to replace them, see some results your not happy with (i'm never happy- i want it perfect and it never is) and want to give up. It seems to come in cycles - must be the wrong time of the month. ;) My turn next week - just had a look in George and i've got sod all.

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2008, 08:37:52 pm »
It's been like that for me for months mate.
Read the thread i just started for an example!


Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2008, 08:40:30 pm »
Its a numbers game - you gain some you lose some but as long as you are gaining more than you are losing it keeps getting better.

We pick up a large number of customers at this time of year, they've got over Christmas and the sun is starting to shine on the glass again, showing how dirty it is.

Again pick yourselves up and put a smile on your face and get on with it

Rob ;D


Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2008, 08:49:57 pm »
"Never let your customers tell you what and when",quote from Rob of Midas.

"we do what they want, when they want it",quote from Rob of Midas.(from'customer count' thread)

I'm not having a dig,but dont you think your contradicting yourself,I suppose it depends how valuable your customer is ;)


  • Posts: 807
Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2008, 08:52:09 pm »
"Never let your customers tell you what and when",quote from Rob of Midas.

"we do what they want, when they want it",quote from Rob of Midas.(from'customer count' thread)

I'm not having a dig,but dont you think your contradicting yourself,I suppose it depends how valuable your customer is ;)

LOL... I guess it all depends on how much they're paying him ;);)


Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2008, 08:53:55 pm »
We look after all of our customers but a tens of thousands of pounds customer can tell me what and when - someone paying a tenner doesn't get that luxury.

That might be part of the reasoning why we aren't doing residential after February

Find some constructive point instead of trying to trip me up eh!!!!!!

Rob ;D


  • Posts: 807
Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2008, 08:57:36 pm »
LOL.... :P Youre getting rid of all your residential? How come? is it just because of messers?


Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2008, 08:59:31 pm »
Because I have done all I want to do with it and one of the guys that has managed it for two years has made me an offer for it that I cannot ignore.

This money will allow me to go into other areas with alarger profit margin

Rob ;D


  • Posts: 535
Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2008, 10:24:38 pm »
I just had a day like that.Lost 3 (unrelated)customers in a row! Onwardever onward tho. I put it down to coincidence.

Dean Aspects

  • Posts: 1786
Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2008, 10:56:43 pm »
The whole of december and january i picked up one job,a builders clean and nothing else i was feeling down about it but went out canvassing on saturday and picked up four large jobs from £25 to £300 made me feel great
This job has peaks and troughs if you can get through the lows the highs will come just keep plugging away and chin up



  • Posts: 807
Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2008, 11:21:53 pm »
The whole of december and january i picked up one job,a builders clean and nothing else i was feeling down about it but went out canvassing on saturday and picked up four large jobs from £25 to £300 made me feel great
This job has peaks and troughs if you can get through the lows the highs will come just keep plugging away and chin up


£300 domestic?!  :o :o Cool  :D :D :D Where do you find jobs like that?


  • Posts: 6180
Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2008, 11:27:46 pm »
we all go through bud... take a look at this thread last month.

Dean Aspects

  • Posts: 1786
Re: What am I doing wrong??
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2008, 11:32:28 pm »
The whole of december and january i picked up one job,a builders clean and nothing else i was feeling down about it but went out canvassing on saturday and picked up four large jobs from £25 to £300 made me feel great
This job has peaks and troughs if you can get through the lows the highs will come just keep plugging away and chin up


£300 domestic?!  :o :o Cool  :D :D :D Where do you find jobs like that?

No its a hotel every four weeks aswell  :o just had one of those days got loads of good jobs
