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Re: customer count
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2008, 04:44:31 pm »

We are selling our residential and I am going to replace it with the same amount of commercial buildings.

I have a 10 year plan for this and although it will take some doing - have not heard anyone on here or any other forum that has done it there is nothing to stop it becoming reality.

64 is over 10% in one hit

Rob ;D

D woods

Re: customer count
« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2008, 04:56:54 pm »
Hi Midas
Good luck in your plan for World Domination. What part of the UK are you based?


Re: customer count
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2008, 05:01:44 pm »
We are just about 4 miles from Alton Towers in Staffordshire - I don't want total domination just 99%.

Looking at your set up and website I don't think we will get in your way

Rob ;D

Grafters Cleaning Services

  • Posts: 1287
Re: customer count
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2008, 05:58:28 pm »

We are selling our residential and I am going to replace it with the same amount of commercial buildings.

I have a 10 year plan for this and although it will take some doing - have not heard anyone on here or any other forum that has done it there is nothing to stop it becoming reality.

64 is over 10% in one hit

Rob ;D

hi rob, i hope it works out for you.
personally i like a lot of domestic, bread and butter money :)
From Southampton

Ian Rochester

  • Posts: 2588
Re: customer count
« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2008, 06:25:05 pm »
Got to agree, domestic keeps the cashflow running, couple of bad debts on commercial and you can soon get into cashflow problems.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: customer count
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2008, 06:30:03 pm »
To many eggs in the commercial basket will cause problems,it`s all to tempting to dump even really good paying domestic because good commercial comes along.Commercial customers for 1 are not loyal at all and it`s a matter of time before you`ll lose jobs you have to constantly keep taking on commercial if that`s mainly what you do for this reason,some domestic jobs you will keep all the years your cleaning windows,you couldn`t say that about commercial without a few execeptions.


Re: customer count
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2008, 07:14:04 pm »
I can only go on experience and our experience has been that all of our commercial customers stay with us and we have never lost any of them.

From £20.00 monthlys through to several tens of thousands per year. I treat my commercial customers exactly like I would treat a residential customer, I look after them and I make our service so good that they wont look anywhere else.

Our second largest client is right on a busy local main road - two very large and from a window cleaning point of view - very inviting buildings, full of glass, one building 3 storey.

I would have thought that it gets hit by window cleaners all the time, Gary Evans is on here and he goes past it regularly, when we spoke last week he said he had thought no end of times about going in and seeing about the cleaning.

I am not saying that it will be ours forever and that someone may be able to muscle us out but I have built a very strong relationship with the client, if they want me I will be there at a moments notice and we do what they want, when they want it.

The service has been praised by the chief executive of the organisation and we are into our 4th year of cleaning.

I think there comes a point where it is not about saving a few pounds and more about we have the service we are looking for.

I have absolutely no doubt that everyone on here could do the same job as we do, to a similar quality but I live 7 miles down the road, if they have an emergency I can be there in 10 minutes, first name terms with the point of contact and a superb service.

You cannot buy that and that standard allows me to sleep easy at night, all I have to do is keep repeating that ideal

Rob ;D

Re: customer count
« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2008, 07:17:14 pm »
Midas, any comment on the cheap leaflet thread?


Re: customer count
« Reply #48 on: February 19, 2008, 07:59:54 pm »
Mr S

Just spent half an hour on a reply which got lost when I lost my internet connection

Basics of it were that I will spend all the money I have to present my service and me to the very best potential, others will spend or not on flyers.

I want my leaflets to be a representation of me and my business - they may be the only part of me the client will ever see - that has to be worth everything and I would bend over backwards to put the very best leaflet forward I could

Rob ;D

Re: customer count
« Reply #49 on: February 19, 2008, 08:27:56 pm »
Man after my own heart. Now I just have to be as successful as you and I'm sorted.
In the scheme of things I don't think leaflets are expensive, and having more than one for different market segements isn't that outlandish. My leaflets have always been good (own printer) but the ones I've had done say everything about me and people can absorb the info in about 15 seconds.
our experience has been that all of our commercial customers stay with us and we have never lost any of them.

From £20.00 monthlys through to several tens of thousands per year. I treat my commercial customers exactly like I would treat a residential customer, I look after them and I make our service so good that they wont look anywhere else.

 I have built a very strong relationship with the client, if they want me I will be there at a moments notice and we do what they want, when they want it.

into our 4th year of cleaning.

There's some copy for you, couple of jpegs, a few happy quotes off MD's and pub landlords, and thats a brochure.


Re: customer count New
« Reply #50 on: February 19, 2008, 08:36:14 pm »
Heres another pointer on looking after customers.

When we started our supermarket refurb cleans last year we worked in Enfield - London and had finished.

I live in Staffordshire about 15 miles from Stoke on Trent, on the way to Derby - by Alton Towers.

There was some internal cleaning done and we had missed a room 10 foot by 6 foot. The ceiling had to be wiped with a degreaser - we missed it.

Got a phone call from the client - cannot sign the ceilings off this room has to be done.

The journey was nearly 4 hours to get there on a Sunday morning - the work took 20 minutes and then back up the M1 for another 4 hours.

Could have said get stuffed i'm not doing it but that would have lost the contract.

Going down and getting on with it told the client we were serious, had made a mistake but were prepared to do what was needed to put it right.

Local service at a national level!!!!!!

I moaned all the way there and back but we did a lot of work for the client last year and will do the same if not more this year

Rob ;D