Ok mate, just read you got the work from an old boy, whos retired. Think about it, The old fella was probably on first name terms with all 120 of your customers, done them for years and watched all their kids grow up. He probably drank tea, ate biscuits and had a chinwag with most of them and spent half an hour on every house with his ladder. I would bet most of them are over 50.
Now picture this. A groundhog turns up in a van full of water, get his hose out and sprays it everwhere. Puts it all back in the van a puts a bill in for a tenner. when the customer asks were is the ladder, they get told, sorry love health and safety. (I guarantee if you do this, you will not have 120 customers left next month.)
My advice, Consolidate your round, earn your money, then build it up to where you want it.