It will come dave, as you have probably now realised it's not as easy as some would make out gaining new work & building a round up. Thinking back to your first posts, when you first started, to now, i think you've done a great job so far. Building a round from scratch is a very, very hard task (even with wfp, for the milloinair brigade) You've thought, researched & commited, overcome all the many obstacles in your way. been honest when seeking advise & given good advise to others through your start up experience.
This is you well on your way now dave, you've done the hardest bit, you'll keep gaining new custom as you go on. You may have to try new areas, different tactics etc. etc. but stick at it like you have done so far & i can't see you going wrong mate.
You're not on your own, we all have good & bad patches in this trade, great when everything is going well, positive comments from custy's, new work coming in, then bang, pump breaks, custy moans, van needs a major service just when you're skint etc.etc.
huugh, i'm worn out now, hope this cheers you up