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Wayne Thomas

Re: Absolutely typical !
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2008, 09:12:05 pm »
Hello Wayne.
I was aware this house was a bit milky, as are a lot of others, so I had been double rinsing them already from day one.
This was the fourth or fifth clean and I was not seeing anything coming off since the second clean.
The problem with this low level milking is the after drips. Yes you were right about them being south facing by the way.


Vince, the paint stops running when all the paint has been removed in say a years time,lol. It's frustrating and I sympathise with you. Either charge more for this house because it takes longer to clean or find an easier one and leave it to the trad w/c's. 
If I have the odd 'milky' window or two similar I'll perservere, but if it's every window, I lose them as they're too much hassle.


Re: Absolutely typical !
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2008, 08:12:22 am »
I think this is down to the customer's attitude rather than the odd drip. She is one of those women teachers who has to be right all the time. I have other customers with milky frames who don't seem to mind, or are prepared to accept a few drips.

He is OK about it but she has set her mind against me. I have been here before, she had me back yesterday to do a reclean. Next time I go she will have me go back again because it won't be right. I can tell you that now.

Every time I do a reclean it means I am missing out on a paying job that I could be doing instead. There comes a point with a moaner where you just have to let them go,
I have hundreds of customers, yet I am spending all this time worrying about one who was fine until she came home and saw the wet windows.

WFP is a compromise, some customers simply don't like it but the vast majority are OK with it.  You have to go with the majority.