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simon knight

Re: council estates
« Reply #60 on: February 01, 2008, 08:38:36 am »

My local estate is full of East Europeans...not for me thanks!

Tim Rose

Re: council estates
« Reply #61 on: February 01, 2008, 08:55:19 am »
Does anyone on this site actually LIVE on a council estate (really renting, not owning thier house/flat/hovel?)

If so do you clean the houses there?

eddie d

Re: council estates
« Reply #62 on: February 01, 2008, 11:29:56 am »
your idiots .
didnt you read my post .

what with the price of houses ex council houses are becoming sort after .
big houses and big gardens for your money .
our council house is valued at around 350/400 k  ;)
but i guess we must all be scum .
my m8 bought one in the docklands for 420 last year .
there are bad payers everywhere.

i think your just doing this post to winned people up
 ;D ;D  council estates are becoming non excistant as they dont build anymore .its down to housing assocxiations these days.


  • Posts: 497
Re: council estates
« Reply #63 on: February 01, 2008, 11:42:50 am »
LOL why would I care less if you get wound up or "have a reaction" to my post. I don't.

This is a forum where the whole point is opinions, i don't care if you disagree.

Those I my reasons for avoiding council estates.  I dont care if your offended by them.  Its based on my own experiences.

I tend to find that the more money people have(or was given to them) the tighter they are and haggle on price. have quite a few people  on a few council estates that pay higher price because they increased it and look after there house.

LOL totally wrong, for me anyway.  Its the scruffy beggars who wont pay a high price, because they dont appreciate good quality.  If your own customers are putting your prices up for you, then you are doing something seriously wrong mate.
My friends call me Tuppence Clean

Re: council estates
« Reply #64 on: February 01, 2008, 12:13:41 pm »
LOL why would I care less if you get wound up or "have a reaction" to my post. I don't.

This is a forum where the whole point is opinions, i don't care if you disagree.

Those I my reasons for avoiding council estates.  I dont care if your offended by them.  Its based on my own experiences.

I tend to find that the more money people have(or was given to them) the tighter they are and haggle on price. have quite a few people  on a few council estates that pay higher price because they increased it and look after there house.

LOL totally wrong, for me anyway.  Its the scruffy beggars who wont pay a high price, because they dont appreciate good quality.  If your own customers are putting your prices up for you, then you are doing something seriously wrong mate.
been doing the same for years cant be doing that much wrong.

fair play to you for being honest, still think your wrong, but thats what forums are about other people opinion be it they are right or wrong


Re: council estates
« Reply #65 on: February 01, 2008, 12:23:13 pm »
Good comment windowashers.   Have seen your web site pop up on several searches , looks really good , do you have plans to include any cleaners up north in the near future ?

Re: council estates
« Reply #66 on: February 01, 2008, 12:25:52 pm »
Good comment windowashers.   Have seen your web site pop up on several searches , looks really good , do you have plans to include any cleaners up north in the near future ?
yep look on the website page  ;) have one in leeds going on asap also swindon and preston

d s windowcleaning

  • Posts: 2782
Re: council estates
« Reply #67 on: February 01, 2008, 12:46:27 pm »
tennetclean you are talking s@@t  . the council estates i work on and have lived on are not how you are making out . the area i live now is most council tenants who besides 1 are all hard working . they all look after the propertys . i clean most of the windows and they all pay on time . theres no dog poo on the pavements . so i dont no where you are getting your ideas from but you got it all wrong . or maybe you are just a stuck up snob yourself who never lived on a council estate .
where theres muck theres money


  • Posts: 497
Re: council estates
« Reply #68 on: February 01, 2008, 02:08:07 pm »
mate, if you find that working on council estates is great then I'm really happy for you.  I personally have not found that to be the case for the reasons I have given.

In fact, I think more window cleaners should work on council estates.  Keep them away from me and my well paying areas.
My friends call me Tuppence Clean

brett walker

  • Posts: 1943
Re: council estates
« Reply #69 on: February 01, 2008, 02:14:36 pm »
On council estates you get people who want their windows cleaned genuinley and who will pay you just like on the private estates you soon work out the wheat from the chaff
the only difference i can see is on the private estates you can charge more because the houses are bigger.  

At the end of the day its down to the individual that you are cleaning for, in both sorts of areas you can get some real down to earth people and some right pompus pr**s

I goes without saying we all want the big private houses where the money is but some just dont get that luxury and can make a good living on council estates.

I myself wont put people down just because they are living on a council estate this forum is getting as if you dont earn £400 per day and live in a big posh house you are beneath people, i do take my hat off to people that have worked hard for years in this industry and have done well

In my years of window cleaning i have never seen as many window cleaners as there are now and a shortage of window cleaning business to buy so we had better hope they build some more council estates ;D



  • Posts: 426
Re: council estates
« Reply #70 on: February 01, 2008, 03:49:42 pm »
TennetClean, I assume you hold the same kind of idiotic views about ethnic minorities, people with shaven heads, women who wear trousers, men who love men etc etc etc etc.

Your rash generalisation is as insulting as it is ignorant.  Generalisations like this are no different to the generalisations given about the subjects listed above.  You are biggotted in your views and narrow in your mind for basing your perception of entire sections of the community upon your own very limited experiences of one particular area of the country. 

Thats like saying one doesn't like pakistanis cos they smell.   I am sure one or two do smell, but not all people of pakistani descent or culture smell any different to you or I.  Similar generalisations about Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, intelectuals etc are what enabled the nazi party to come to power in Germany in the 1930's.  I do hope that anyone reading this site does not lump all window cleaners in with you in your expression of your views.  I would hate to be associated with such a person as you. 

Generalisations about any subject, particularly when made by someone as obviously as uneducated as yourself are worth nothing.

Pity those you who value the freedom of speech to enable you to spout such utter drivel do not value the freedom of thinking that should precede it...

I bet you don't have 'no coucil house customers please' on your van.  Idiot.

Small but perfectley formed

  • Posts: 1744
Re: council estates
« Reply #71 on: February 01, 2008, 04:28:02 pm »
well said sanity . cant believe some people complete K. Head
Spit and polish


  • Posts: 609
Re: council estates
« Reply #72 on: February 01, 2008, 04:37:22 pm »
Unreal. i cannot believe some of the negatives on this post, there are a lot of builders, plumbers, sparkies, plasterers etc etc that by lack of a snobbish attitude still live in these area's and probably have a lot more disposable income than most on posh estates. With sky high mortgages, sure there is scum on all estates, posh and council its just some are wealthier scum.
also i am sure i don't need to remind most but a lot of people still regard windowcleaners as lowlife unfortunately, some people need to crawl back out of their own a**
grew up on one and proud of it, more importantly my parents still live in the same house.


  • Posts: 2056
Re: council estates
« Reply #73 on: February 01, 2008, 04:47:27 pm »
well said sanity and simbo ;D ;D ;D


  • Posts: 497
Re: council estates
« Reply #74 on: February 01, 2008, 04:49:19 pm »
guess where you live then  ;)

Mate,  as I said I couldn't care less if you disagree with me or my views.

But this aint nothing like racism, and you are a fool to suggest it is.  You can be politically correct all you like, and good luck to you for it.  But when it comes to the sharp end of earning a living, it  is what is REAL and not what you happen to believe is right that matters.

In my REAL experience, council estates are not worth it from a window cleaning purely business point of view.

You might think that isnt right, so what?
My friends call me Tuppence Clean


  • Posts: 426
Re: council estates
« Reply #75 on: February 01, 2008, 05:32:56 pm »
Racism = generalisation.
Sexism = generalisation.
Homophobism = generalisation.

Taken to their logical conclusion, your views are as bad as any 'ism' you care to mention.

I am probably the least politically correct person you will meet, but therin I have the one thing you seem to lack.  That is the ability to see people as individuals and not be judgemental because of where they happen to live.

From a purely business point of view, I would say that council estates are great for people who are just learning their trade.  Lots of houses, close together, many small gardens so a good way to learn how to move ladders / wfp trolleys / hoses, many people who have lived their all their lives and who know each other and who make reccomendations to their friends.
Yes, sometimes their will be a difficult customer, yes sometimes it can be hard getting some customers to pay but I believe this to be the case on any WC round.  It teaches negotiation skills, an eye for 'messers' etc.

None of the views expressed by you have been concerning a business aspect of window cleaning.  You have simply made a series of statements in the hope that your trolling will get a cheer.  Well my friend, I am glad to see many of the people who have replied see your views for what they really are.  Biggoted drivel.

I have no problems with you expressing your views, indeed, I would gladly die to preserve your right to do so as have many of the people who 'council estates' were originally built for (returning soldiers in the 1940's...)
I do, however, wish you would learn some tact, morality and acceptance.  No, we do not all live in 3 story townhouses in Mayfair, but we do not all live in dog-toffe strewn junkyards with 40 snotty nosed theiving kids.

Yes, there are some houses and families that I would gladly avoid.  Other houses I would want to live in as thy are kept so beautifully.

You make assumptions that children from housing estates are theives.  How is this different from 'gypsies are thieves', 'Scoucers are scallys', 'Scots are tight', Indians smell', 'Blacks are muggers'?  All racist comments, clearly as wrong as your comments.  I wonder how your customers would react to knowing they had a racist, biggotted snobby person clleaning their windows....

ah, a window cleaner.  Hardly Richard Branson are you.  Just like all the other window cleaners, scruffy whiners on the make, just jobbing between the dole office and their evening job.  Learnt their trade on the QE2 the way they clean.  Will rob ya by not doing the back then charging full price.  Scruffy bunch.  Not nice is it?  Being genralised.  (an example of generalisation, not my actual thoughts or opinions.) 

Seems on your little planet, if people are not like you, they are scum.  Well fella, who is the fool?  The vast majority (thank god) are not like you, so we must all be scum.

Please, find a BNP forum to troll.  Your biggoted and frankly disturbing twist on reality is abhorent.

Davie T

  • Posts: 566
Re: council estates
« Reply #76 on: February 01, 2008, 06:09:39 pm »
Reading some of the replies, I am appalled that the "class system" ( or so called U.K. class system)  has reared its ugly head. 
How can anyone reasonablyform an opinion of a general housing area?   
Like all types, irrespective of where they live, some are trustworty and some not.  For various reasons, some obvious and some not, people are stranded in the social background where they live.
Some of the worst problems re collection of debts have not been in these housing backgrounds, they have been in the "respectable areas" !

Get real and treat people on how they interact with you as a human being, not where they happen to live, chosen or not.

Tim Rose

Re: council estates
« Reply #77 on: February 01, 2008, 06:27:30 pm »
Friday night's allright for fightin'!

Got to say there has been the usual over-reaction.  How we got from window cleaning to the rise of national socialism in such a short space of time is quite something!

Come off it, we all have our prejudices, we are ALLOWED to be prejudiced, and i think that's far from a bad thing.  Its far from a bad thing socially, as I will hate the day where we all become uniform monotonous robots, and it's a bad thing for work, because you should speak as you find, and if you find Asians to be crap to work for, then why not air your prejudice?  Noone has to listen, and you're not bothering anyone as we've heard it all before anyway.

When did anyone start slagging off homos?  Not me, not anyone as far as I can tell.  When did we pick on jews?  Never.  When did blacks get the 'treatment'?  Never.  It's all pie in the sky.

Council estates?  I don't work them, and if I can stay out of them you bet I bloody well do, only venturing there for one offs.  Doesn't make me a Nazi, black-lynching, jew-hating woman-hater.


Re: council estates
« Reply #78 on: February 01, 2008, 06:31:06 pm »
cleanitup sr. member.
you should be a god! well put


  • Posts: 497
Re: council estates
« Reply #79 on: February 01, 2008, 06:52:36 pm »
Sanity old friend, you are trying to make an issue where one doesn't exist.

I haven't said anything about races, sexuality and so on.  If you are naive enough to believe that people and society in general don't make a judgement about someone on the basis of where and how they live, then you're either very innocent or very ignorant.

Apply for a loan anywhere and you'll find that one of the questions they will ask is if you are a homeowner, private tennant or a council tennant etc.  Will they make a judgement about your credit worthiness on the basis of that? YES.  Is that discrimination YES.  Why do they do it? because they are in business and they know that council tennents are the biggest financial risk.  They can prove that if you ask them.

Does that make the banks racist and homophobic?  Are they run by BNP members?  Dont think so.

We are in business too, and in my opinion it makes sense to be discriminating about the customers you choose if you want to earn good money.

I have merely explained things as I personally have found them with council estates.  You saying that all generalisations are the same is simply a load of pants.

What about this one: I have generally found that drug dealers are scummy people.  Does that make me racist too?  What about this: I have generally found that women talk more than men do.  Am I sexist for thinking that?

You need to wind your neck in.
My friends call me Tuppence Clean