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Re: council estates
« Reply #140 on: February 01, 2008, 11:06:28 pm »
Please can we call a truce ?   Fare enough if we have pre concieved ideas ...brought up with em perhaps ! Isnt education the best way to get you idea across instead of insults ?  If you knew my background most wouldnt speak to me on here ! But Ive made my own conclusions in life , please try to be civil and not name call guys ....and girls !


  • Posts: 25140
Re: council estates
« Reply #141 on: February 01, 2008, 11:07:47 pm »
There are council estates and there are council estates.

Some are chav-ridden and full of twockers.

Others have a community spirit and lots of owner occupiers.

They even vary street by street.

I find the latter, usually, red bricked semi's, at £10 a pop can be good earners at 3/4 per hour with wfp.
It's a game of three halves!


Re: council estates
« Reply #142 on: February 01, 2008, 11:12:11 pm »
Malc if that was the last post on here I would be a happy man .


  • Posts: 25140
Re: council estates
« Reply #143 on: February 01, 2008, 11:15:21 pm »
...  If you knew my background most wouldnt speak to me on here ! But Ive made my own conclusions in life , please try to be civil and not name call guys ....and girls !

Unless you're a child molester or rapist Jonah then I'll talk to you what ever your background is!  :)

And if by any chance you've run away to Spain like your namesake - then Ninevah still has a 120,000 people needing their windows cleaned! ;)
It's a game of three halves!


Re: council estates
« Reply #144 on: February 01, 2008, 11:18:59 pm »
Just to put the record straight i grew up with racist parents....very political .

[GQC] Tim

  • Posts: 4536
Re: council estates
« Reply #145 on: February 01, 2008, 11:30:28 pm »
Moderators.....where the heck are you guys.

Do your job.

Paul Coleman

Re: council estates
« Reply #146 on: February 02, 2008, 06:42:08 am »
Just to put the record straight i grew up with racist parents....very political .

No-one is responsible for their background.  It's what you do with it that counts.  I had the sort of life where many might negatively stereotype me too.  It's moving on from it that's the important bit.


  • Posts: 426
Re: council estates
« Reply #147 on: February 02, 2008, 08:47:08 am »
As far as my degree goes, you questioned my intelegence, I retorted.

As I have repeatedly said, you are biggotted, of limited intelectual capacity and have little to do with your life other than to make inflamatory comments on a forum.  Pal, do us a favour and crawl back under whatever rock you came from.  Oh, and try READING the posts I make and responding to them, rather than having brain-farts and writing whatever comes into your head.  You seem to have difficulty when I write words of over 2 sylybles in response to your rantings.  Maybe get someopne to explain them to you? 

Other than that, Im out of this discussion.  It is no longer serving any purpous other than to get normally rational people to call each other names. (how old are we?)

Anyhow, enjoy your business, I hope you are successful and when the day comes that you look back and judge what you have done in your life, I trust you can say 'I did my best'.


  • Posts: 497
Re: council estates
« Reply #148 on: February 02, 2008, 12:27:42 pm »
Other than that, I'm out of this discussion.

Didn't you say that before?  I thought you were going to leave us to our "simple minded discussion".  Seems to me like you just can't step away.

As for name calling, well, for a reason I still don't fully understand you went from council estates to racism, sexim, nazism, homophobia etc in a way that simply didn't make any sense.  (Maybe it made sense to you, but you seem to be in your own world)

You like to think you are oh so tolerant and accepting of everyone, but here I am disagreeing with you and you just can't take it. 

TennetClean, I assume you hold the same kind of idiotic views about ethnic minorities, people with shaven heads, women who wear trousers, men who love men etc etc etc etc.

Because I have a certain view of working in council estates that is borne out from my own business experience, you have assumed that I am also racist sexist homophobic and and a neo-nazi!!  Is that balanced?  Is that a rational assumption to make? Now who is making generalisations?

You, mate, have taken offense and lashed out about all the issues you hold dear, even though they have absolutely nothing to do with this discussion.  And then as if I will somehow view that with a bit of credibility you start boasting about some degree you have right down to what your dissertation was about!  I don't care mate!  You seriously need to face your issues, because they are way beyond window cleaning.
My friends call me Tuppence Clean

Re: council estates
« Reply #149 on: February 02, 2008, 12:35:30 pm »
getting back the main post topic, tennat can you see where I was coming from? tarring everyone that comes from a council estate with the same brush is not right, can you admit that  or do you honestly think you are right:-\

Personaly it makes no difference in my life what your veiws are, as I said before fair play to you for replying in the first place.

I am just really interested to know on reflection that the post you wrote first may have been a bit ott.  :-\



  • Posts: 497
Re: council estates
« Reply #150 on: February 02, 2008, 12:49:00 pm »
Window washers mate, I'm sure council estates are like most things in life, there are the nice ones and not-so-nice ones.

Sure there will be some in every area that might make ok customers, and even if they make bad customers, or just can't afford high prices that doesn't necessarily make them bad people, I never said it does.

But for window cleaning, why bother going into areas that are grim when there are plenty of better ones with people who can afford high prices and where chavs don't hang around everywhere?  Its obvious! (Unless of course you dont care about high prices and dont mind chavs, great if thats you, but that aint me)

I was with a mate of mine parked his car on a council estate a few years back because he had to see somebody there about selling it.  He came back to it like 8 minutes later to find window smashed and radio gone.  A bloke was walking past and said "oh dont park your care here mate, they'll do that every time!"  Fellas on here will say 'you cant judge all council estates based on your limited experience' - actually yes I can, because i can choose to work where I want. (that isnt my only experience of council estates)

People who live in council estates have a right to stuff just the same as everyone else, but window cleaning aint a "right" its a service.  And because I provide that I can choose where to work.

This has nothing to do with tarring everyone with the same brush, its just what I have personally found to be the case.  I dont care if anyone disagrees, as far as I'm concerned, my own experiences cant be wrong can they?
My friends call me Tuppence Clean

Re: council estates
« Reply #151 on: February 02, 2008, 12:57:32 pm »
Window washers mate, I'm sure council estates are like most things in life, there are the nice ones and not-so-nice ones.

I will leave it at that m8, because that part is right.
I could tell you had a bad experience somewhere along the line.

I love a good debate lol

Have a good day  ;)

p.s I also get good prices for work and yes I am choosey what work I now take on, we are all in it for the same reason and that is to make money.


Re: council estates
« Reply #152 on: February 02, 2008, 05:01:44 pm »
The only person 'ripping me off' and 'peeing me off' is a lady in a large house; not ex-council; and she owes me £24.00, and I know I won't get it.

I clean quite a few ex 'social accommodation' houses, and have no problems; though I did clean a good many houses in a new housing association area, and found I had many bad apples, but once I wheedled these out, the rest of the customers were fine.

I actually sold these houses on last Summer.

Paul Coleman

Re: council estates
« Reply #153 on: February 02, 2008, 05:14:28 pm »
The only person 'ripping me off' and 'peeing me off' is a lady in a large house; not ex-council; and she owes me £24.00, and I know I won't get it.

I clean quite a few ex 'social accommodation' houses, and have no problems; though I did clean a good many houses in a new housing association area, and found I had many bad apples, but once I wheedled these out, the rest of the customers were fine.

I actually sold these houses on last Summer.

I've found that getting ripped off for payment can happen at any level.  It hurts more when it's a larger place because the amount owing is more.  I have had good compact bits of council estates in the past.  They were full of upper middle-aged to elderly people many of whom had lived there since the 1950s.  They were reliable payers and decent people.  The trouble was they were TOO nice.  I would walk away from there with a bladder full of tea and everyone wanted a few minutes chatting time on top of the window cleaning.  Lovely people but an atrocious area to make reasonable money  :)  .  However, as has been said on here, it was sometimes let down by the odd younger people in the area.  Many of them didn't seem to have the "old school" values of their seniors.  Although they wouldn't have stolen property from me, many of them certainly were hard to get money out of.  Anyway, when I was long term sick some years ago, a lot of customers deserted me eventually.  Fair enough as they wanted their windows cleaned.  On the council estates, as soon as one went, the rest followed because they all knew each other.  Lovely people but I wasn'tsorry to lose that part of my work.  My fault too as it was badly underpriced.


  • Posts: 347
Re: council estates
« Reply #154 on: February 02, 2008, 07:27:58 pm »
i find coucil estate customers are generally better payers than most on private estates.actually dropped one private estate.most with the big houses flash cars
these days tend to have no spare cash.up to thier eyeballs in debt.never judge a book by its cover.


Re: council estates
« Reply #155 on: February 02, 2008, 10:47:21 pm »
I make good money from a council estate, only because the houses are owned by  a housing assosiation and they pay me .
I agree whith some of the things Tennant has said, when I first started window cleaning I used to clean a estate most were good prompt payers , but you did get the odd one who messed me around.
I have had more problems getting paid from my better off customers.


Re: council estates
« Reply #156 on: February 02, 2008, 11:09:56 pm »
i worked as a carpenter and a foreman on council properites

you get good and bad, lets face it, its just a mirror of the world we live in

ive also done work on "private houses", you get good and bad, though i have to say, you get more cuppa's of some of the council houses people

its a sad world that we live in that people have to make such wide spread genralisation   :(


  • Posts: 16952
Re: council estates
« Reply #157 on: February 02, 2008, 11:55:20 pm »
My father in law says this country is finnished due to letting in anyone and everyone,i`m starting to think he could be right.


Re: council estates
« Reply #158 on: February 02, 2008, 11:57:21 pm »
i worked as a carpenter and a foreman on council properites

you get good and bad, lets face it, its just a mirror of the world we live in

ive also done work on "private houses", you get good and bad, though i have to say, you get more cuppa's of some of the council houses people

its a sad world that we live in that people have to make such wide spread genralisation   :(
You are so right Matt, in tennant's defence even though he is way wrong at the moment IMO, in 10 years time he will be spot on if are gov keep letting it happen and at it will not be the so called chavs that are talked about it will be poeple that do not even speak english the ones that are coming here in droves for no reason apart from sucking money from us people that pay taxes "this does not include the people from far away that have a valid reason I am talking about the 50 fold for every one that has that vaild reason.

Slate me mock me if you like this is the truth of england to come, it is already way out of habd pick up a paper and read it, then triple the amount because they aint got a clue.
Ranmt over

if i offended sry just saying what i think, right or wrong

Ian, isnt that another genralisation

when i was growing up, the older generations would say " all these darkies ** will be coming over and stealing our work "

now the same aged generation are saying about the " eastern europeans "

we as a country and never happier than when we are moaning and worring, now thats a fact

please note ** the term "darkie" was used as a genralisation of people who are non-white, i personally have nothing against the said people, infact my best mate for years was a indian who was born in cardiff, his parents were born in cardiff aswell, but still non-white
that should stop the PC lot jumping up and down about this post  :) :)


Re: council estates
« Reply #159 on: February 03, 2008, 12:01:46 am »
you say " was an indian " what is he now ?