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Tim Rose

Re: council estates
« Reply #100 on: February 01, 2008, 08:15:06 pm »
Is that the guy at the back of the ship ?

That's the chap, but sometimes found in the heads helping ratings 'understand' the meaning of 'seamenship'.

My spelling's not so good tonight.


Re: council estates
« Reply #101 on: February 01, 2008, 08:19:20 pm »
sorry but you said your spelling what not good tonight do you know ?


  • Posts: 592
Re: council estates
« Reply #102 on: February 01, 2008, 08:23:41 pm »
as i said before i came from a council estate and my mam and dad were ever on the dole as they always paid there way. u my friend are a total ars- ho-e and should be ignored in every thread you create. i would like to know your living status now, wot car u drive etc.....very interesting!!!!


  • Posts: 592
Re: council estates
« Reply #103 on: February 01, 2008, 08:25:33 pm »
probs in a friends caravan with a push bike to get around with ur ladders u prat


Re: council estates
« Reply #104 on: February 01, 2008, 08:28:30 pm »
richyp who are you directing your comments to ?


  • Posts: 497
Re: council estates
« Reply #105 on: February 01, 2008, 08:41:21 pm »

Because now I'm deserving of some good ol' fashioned aggro!  "Cos thats wot we doo round our way wen sum1 seys sumfink we dont like"

Aint that right richyboy?

your not helping your case much mate
My friends call me Tuppence Clean

d s windowcleaning

  • Posts: 2782
Re: council estates
« Reply #106 on: February 01, 2008, 08:43:47 pm »
jonah i would say richyps comments are directed at tennetclean .
where theres muck theres money


  • Posts: 3503
Re: council estates
« Reply #107 on: February 01, 2008, 08:47:17 pm »
My books tell me that over the years most of my problem customers when it comes to paying live on council estates.
Vince Green is right, council estates have changed over the years, most of the hardworking decent tenants bought their houses and take pride in them. The problem I have is with tenants that are benefit recipients. They really can't afford to pay, but that doesn't stop them from taking on a window cleaner. The problem we have, is that we don't know if they are on benefit or not when we take them on.
My past experiences have taught me to leave this section of the community alone, I have learned from past mistakes.
If I go for a swim and see there are lots of jelly fish around, I don't carry on and get stung. I would find a part of the beach that had fewer of them, and the chance of getting stung was a lot less. DAI

poole bay

  • Posts: 644
Re: council estates
« Reply #108 on: February 01, 2008, 08:48:11 pm »
council est are loyal you get all walks of life there, they are the same as the rich stay away from the rich at christmas they are bad tipers. this goes to the top of this post.


  • Posts: 592
Re: council estates
« Reply #109 on: February 01, 2008, 08:48:54 pm »
spot on daveshaw.... he is total knacker!!!!!!

d s windowcleaning

  • Posts: 2782
Re: council estates
« Reply #110 on: February 01, 2008, 08:51:34 pm »
couldnt agree more richy  ;D
where theres muck theres money


  • Posts: 433
Re: council estates
« Reply #111 on: February 01, 2008, 08:53:08 pm »
My books tell me that over the years most of my problem customers when it comes to paying live on council estates.
Vince Green is right, council estates have changed over the years, most of the hardworking decent tenants bought their houses and take pride in them. The problem I have is with tenants that are benefit recipients. They really can't afford to pay, but that doesn't stop them from taking on a window cleaner. The problem we have, is that we don't know if they are on benefit or not when we take them on.
My past experiences have taught me to leave this section of the community alone, I have learned from past mistakes.
If I go for a swim and see there are lots of jelly fish around, I don't carry on and get stung. I would find a part of the beach that had fewer of them, and the chance of getting stung was a lot less. DAI

your right m8


  • Posts: 592
Re: council estates
« Reply #112 on: February 01, 2008, 08:57:33 pm »
i may have been brought up on a council estate but  i now have top of the range bmw live in a nice house but i dont brag. u r a tosser pal,,, where do u live and what car do u drive? i reckon u r a poshie wanna be! grow up..............


  • Posts: 426
Re: council estates
« Reply #113 on: February 01, 2008, 09:04:41 pm »
How you conduct your business is none of our concern and I for one wish you all the best with it.

I would like to point out to Rosy et al that my sentiments are those of somebody who does not like to see discrimination of any sort.  

Come off it, we all have our prejudices, we are ALLOWED to be prejudiced, and i think that's far from a bad thing. Its far from a bad thing socially, as I will hate the day where we all become uniform monotonous robots, and it's a bad thing for work, because you should speak as you find, and if you find Asians to be crap to work for, then why not air your prejudice? Noone has to listen, and you're not bothering anyone as we've heard it all before anyway.

So because we have one bad experience then it is ok to categorise an entire section of the community like that?  Even worse, to spread this predjudice in public (or private, depending on what you class this forum as...) shows a total lack of moral standards, tact and manners to say the least.  As can be seen by the reactions in this thread of many people who grew up on council estates, the generalisation made about people from council estates was clearly ill-informed, no matter how 'valid' the staters experience was.  Does a couple of bad experiences make a LARGE section of the British public not 'posh' enough to work for?  As I said, freedom of thought rarely comes first for those who cry about freedom of speech...

When did anyone start slagging off homos? Not me, not anyone as far as I can tell. When did we pick on jews? Never. When did blacks get the 'treatment'? Never. It's all pie in the sky.

But its ok to 'slag off' (as you so elequently put it),  people who happen to reside in houses built be local authorities?  Same thing.  Discrimination and predjudice.
Council estates? I don't work them, and if I can stay out of them you bet I bloody well do, only venturing there for one offs. Doesn't make me a Nazi, black-lynching, jew-hating woman-hater.

Venturing in there?  Seems you feel the same way as TennetClean in your assumptions about people who  live on council estates...  Maybe it does'nt make you a black hating woman beater or whatever, but it sure makes you ignorant and pathetic.  I suggest you get out more.  See where airing your predjudices gets you...

My dear TennetClean.  You are clearly out of your depth where this discussion is concerned when you make such statements as you did above.  I will try to address your query in as simple a way as possible, using small words where I can...

I haven't said anything about races, sexuality and so on.
You don't need to.  You made statements that could be taken as predjudice, derogatory and wrong.  
(link attached so you can look up the meaning of the word...) Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of different groups of people based on certain characteristics.
Apply for a loan anywhere and you'll find that one of the questions they will ask is if you are a homeowner, private tennant or a council tennant etc. Will they make a judgement about your credit worthiness on the basis of that? YES
Actually, this is a RISK assessment, not a 'worthiness test'.
Is that discrimination YES.
Actually it is differentiation, see attached link to meaning of discrimination.
Why do they do it?
Risk,as I have just explained.  But, hang on.  I live in a private 3 bed semi, with decking, double glazing and a 200k mortgage.  Yet I find it difficult to get a bank account and credit card.  Is that because I am a council tennant?  NO.  It is because I am a credit RISK!.   So, it is not just council tennants that are financial risks...

Council tennants are a financial risk to you are they?  Well, ask them to pay up front.  I am sure they won't mind.

We are in business too, and in my opinion it makes sense to be )discriminating (actually, this word should be discerning, but I shan't critisise your education level)... about the customers you choose if you want to earn good money.
I agree, one should be discerning in ones choice of customers, although doing it to maximise profit is questionable.  I personally select my customers based upon my ability to do the job.  If I can do it, I get a customer.  If I can't I don't.  simple.  As long as I make my wages, I don't mind who I work for...

I have merely explained things as I personally have found them with council estates. You saying that all generalisations are the same is simply a load of pants.  

You have not 'merely explained' at all.  you made a series of derogatory, discriminatory and predjudicial comments about a large section of the British public.  Generalisations are all 'generally speaking :D ) wrong.
What about this one: I have generally found that drug dealers are scummy people. Does that make me racist too? What about this: I have generally found that women talk more than men do. Am I sexist for thinking that?
The first is a moral judgement, that fits with the majority view and therefore is one that is not predjudicial but is discriminatory.  If you had said 'white drug dealers' are scummy, then that would have been racist as you have brought race (which is actually a non-existant construct) to discriminate and cause you to express a predjudicial view.
The second point.  No.  Your statement is entirely correct.  Women are more social than men and therefore are liable to talk more as part of their social networking.  Men tend to be insular and as such suffer more depressive mental illnesses than women and are more likely to commit suicide.

But if you had said that ALL women talk more than men, that would have been a generalisation, but not untrue.

I know what I am talking about my friend, so maybe this 'winding the neck in' is something you ought to take your own advice upon...


Re: council estates
« Reply #114 on: February 01, 2008, 09:08:37 pm »
I personally dont care what people have as long as I earn the money I want and get paid thats good enough, I have the billionaires on my books also people on benifits and most in the middle of this, as long as they pay for the job I do its good enough for me. I can get on with all walks of life council estates to the billionaires mansions,  we are all the same we all have blood in our veins,
Tennant you are getting stick because of your post because it paints you in a bad light (and I guess you dont care) not all are the same that was my point in the first place and if you think about it I am right. never tar everyone from one area of life with the same brush because we are all different, I am guessing you have had some bad experience somewhere along the line that has clouded your judgement somewhat.

A Long long time ago council estates were not a nice place to live, I know I lived on one, things change and most people do "not all granted" but they are the minority, hence why I got offended by the post in the first place we are not all the same.



  • Posts: 592
Re: council estates
« Reply #115 on: February 01, 2008, 09:14:40 pm »
well said ian!!!!


Re: council estates
« Reply #116 on: February 01, 2008, 09:17:13 pm »
I only came in for a chicken !


  • Posts: 2056
Re: council estates
« Reply #117 on: February 01, 2008, 09:21:35 pm »
and you ended up with a cock  ;D ;D


Re: council estates
« Reply #118 on: February 01, 2008, 09:25:04 pm »
sorry but that is my excuse when at tesco after scanning 58 items !


  • Posts: 497
Re: council estates
« Reply #119 on: February 01, 2008, 09:31:49 pm »
Sanity, you're trying way too hard mate.  That post must have taken a good hour to prepare.  You remind me of someone I used to know who was a bit poor in the brains department but tried to sound clever by talking in an over-formal and patronising way.

The simple fact is, there are a greater proportion of bad payers in council estates than elsewhere. (So I have found, and it seems others have too - eg jellyfish example)

Granted, not everyone is like that who live there, but does it make business sense to work in an area that you know that to be the case just because if you don't its discriminating?  I dont have the time or inclination to test out which householders in those areas are good and which are bad, and I already know from experience that they wont pay higher prices. I dont need to bother with them because there are less riskier, better paying areas to work in.

I agree, one should be discerning in ones choice of customers, although doing it to maximise profit is questionable

I dont agree with that at all.  If you want to do your part for the community and work council estates so as not to be seen to be discriminating, then good for you and I wish you luck, but for me I don't care if its discriminating or not, I just want to earn good money and be paid withthe minimum of hassle.  Right now there are more windows than window cleaners, so we have the luxury of making the choice.  Why would anyone want to deliberately make life more difficult than it needs to be?

What you seem to be talking about is more like charity or publicly funded work.  Business (in my opinion) exists to make profit.

This has nothing to do with race, sexuality or any of that guff you seem determined to try to bring into this argument, its about business plain and simple.  I do it, I know others who do it, most businesses must do it to some degree or other.
My friends call me Tuppence Clean