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  • Posts: 2961
training day
« on: January 20, 2008, 11:07:46 pm »
I know some of the guys on this side of the forum showed interest to the last day, so I have copied the post from the carpt section, if it is of any interest.

After having a chat with Dave Liahona, and having such a good response from the guys who attended the last day we have decided to go ahead with a  another day   incorporating,

Quick Leather Cleaning,repairs redying,tips

Rug identification, cleaning, including immersion cleaning. ( if time allows dye setting,stain removal, retufing, reweaving)

Marketing info, tips

It will be held one day in Northwale area and one day in Bristol area .

Date will be some time in early to mid Feb .

There will be a charge for the day. For more info please email me

Paul Moss  MBICSc