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  • Posts: 3553
Re: water fed pole/varistream - first cleans
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2008, 08:31:40 pm »

Il get one of these i was going to buy one anyway this week  ;)


  • Posts: 3553
Re: water fed pole/varistream - first cleans
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2008, 08:37:03 pm »
cheers john!

didnt take that long. its all sealed up too the joints. then when i close the door it squeezes tight against the insulation and wound up with wing nut like the ladder clamps to hold it  ;)


Re: water fed pole/varistream - first cleans
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2008, 08:38:13 pm »
Doesnt adding a flow-controller affect the life of the pump? (according to Freedoms website anyway)



  • Posts: 537
Re: water fed pole/varistream - first cleans
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2008, 08:39:38 pm »
i had my trolley from scrimshady its been great  ;)
ive got a 250l tank in the van so i can connect the trolley up the the tank and use it as a van mount  ;D
i take out 3 25l barrels aswell but dont really use them.
ive got the auto brush so you dont need a flow control valve  :)
saves loads of time and water


  • Posts: 647
Re: water fed pole/varistream - first cleans
« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2008, 08:40:56 pm »
i have had the same pump for 2 1/2 years and i have always had that valve, thats a new one to me  ???


  • Posts: 3553
Re: water fed pole/varistream - first cleans
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2008, 08:44:01 pm »
isn that wat a varistream does? if you open a valve a little the varistream takes control of the pump? same as if you disconect your hose without turning the pump off if your say 10 meteres away



Re: water fed pole/varistream - first cleans
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2008, 08:47:15 pm »
i have had the same pump for 2 1/2 years and i have always had that valve, thats a new one to me  ???

Quote from: PureFreedom

The Flowmaster has many benefits. You can set your flow accurately and still maintain pressure at the brush. This is essential to ensuring a thorough rinse of the window. By using a flow on/off regulator at or near the pole you save water and battery power because the Flowmaster will sense the stopping of flow and stop the pump. By being able to stop the flow when you want to you will be able to move from window to window without spraying water where you don’t want it to go.
              It is critical that when fitting a pump to a window cleaning system that certain factors are taken into account to ensure years of trouble free performance from the pump.
                          The most common problem with window cleaning pumps is that the user puts excessive demands on the internal pressure switch during use, causing the pump to repeatedly switch on and off (known as “cycling on the switch”) during the window cleaning process. This will rapidly cause wear and the pressure switch will fail prematurely. Care must be taken with any window cleaning system that “cycling” does not occur.
                          By far the most common cause of excessive pressure on the switch is the use of a restriction valve on the window cleaning system-these are commonly fitted to allow the user to regulate the output of water from the pole. Most window cleaners wish to restrict the amount of water flow therefore they are at risk of very early pump failure because as they restrict the flow the increase in pressure can cause the pump to cycle at up to 100 times per minute.
              So by fitting the Flowmaster to the Freedom Trolley System we are ensuring that you work efficiently and own a system that will give you many years of satisfactory service.


  • Posts: 647
Re: water fed pole/varistream - first cleans
« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2008, 08:54:47 pm »
sorry i thought you was on about something else matty, if you use the valve to regulate the flow without a pump controller it will blow the pressure switch but i use varistreams and ony use the valve to turn the watre on or off never use it to control the pump


Re: water fed pole/varistream - first cleans
« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2008, 11:12:01 pm »
Okie Shmokie, glad thats clarified, as Im expecting my Freedom trolley this week and just trying to organise my head about it all  ;D