I had posted back in July that I bought a dry fusion machine second hand. I am based in Newry in Northern Ireland. I have not even got to use the machine yet as I have been busy with other tasks but decided to ring Dry Fusion in the UK to see if they would send me a manual on the machine and details of where to buy the Activator. They give me the contact number of their agent for Ireland. Fair enough!
I contacted William Little( owner of The Cleaning Doctor) and told him what I was looking for to which he replied he would send me out some information. Fair Enough!
Dear Neil
I have just checked with Dry Fusion and I am to inform you that the unit you bought has no licence.Apparently this unit is 3-5 years old.
The licence for your area for dry fusionhas already been purchased. Dry Fusion is a totally licenced system machine, pad, product and comprehensive training - failure of any of these means that an individual is in breach of contract and unable to market the Dry Fusion name or purchase any of the product.
The machine you have cannot be used or marketed as a dry fusion system.
I do not know how much you paid for this, hopefully not to much as it is useless to you. Give me a calland maybe, I can sell it a licensed operator.
Yours sincerely.

This might sound stupid but Is this Legal?
The machine cost £1000.