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  • Posts: 7223
Best way to get this clean
« on: January 17, 2008, 10:26:31 pm »
Hi again all got another booking from a job i did about 6 months ago really heavily soiled hard wearing poly carpet in a sort of square pattern so some raised pile some short.Last time i cleaned it i used traffic clean pre spray,followed by double clean,i personally was not that happy with the result especially on the edges of the stairs they remained black after about 3 attempts and using a hand brush on them.The place is really really old circa late 16th century and they have about 70 members of staff and the buildings are spread out with muddy gravel drives between,While i was hoovering if i left the hoover on 1 spot it created a big dust cloud so dirty.So any ideas what i can throw at it this time with better results.The customer was happy and said it had been down for over 7 years and never been cleaned ! it was hard work to say the least .
What goes around comes around

Joe H

Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2008, 10:31:23 pm »
Is that a tub vac or an upright?
If tub its not really going to do justice.
If an upright, vac vac and more vac, this way, then that way, and make sur the bag isnt more then 2/3 full.
My apologies if you already do this, just carry on.


  • Posts: 7223
Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2008, 10:33:38 pm »
No i have a tennant twin motor job 3215 i think sebo copy ! and yep used a new bag which i more or less filled just doing the downstairs  ???
What goes around comes around

Tony Gill Carpet Smart

  • Posts: 1254
Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2008, 10:41:24 pm »
Prochem ULTRAPAC RENOVATE best ever on polyprop rinse with fiber & fabric great result. JOB DONE.



  • Posts: 7223
Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2008, 10:44:04 pm »
Smashing cheers, i have some before and after pics i think on my computer.Will put them on here on next tue , and take some more this time with the results..
What goes around comes around

Joe H

Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2008, 10:48:05 pm »
If it is really bad and it comes good, then before & after photos will come in really useful for promotion.

Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2008, 08:01:03 am »
Hi Guys

I would agree with Tony, Ultrapac.

If it's draught marked down the edges I would spray, leave for 10 mins, put on some gloves and work in with a towell before cleaning as normal.

Watch out for the grippers ;)




  • Posts: 7223
Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2008, 01:46:39 pm »
Cheers for all the input guy`s and galls ! let`s hope i can make them even better than last time.I do kinda take it quite personally when i am not happy with results,although the customer was v v happy and has got me back again,i still felt like i could have got better results this time i am going to get it 100%
What goes around comes around


  • Posts: 7223
Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2008, 04:41:50 pm »
Just been looking at my pics and i don`t have any post clean just pre clean.Had to move the job to tonight as got a nasty case of man flu over the weekend.Bloody typical as we were spending the weekend in a hotel in london and went to the Comedy store..Bit off topic but have any of you peeps seen Jim Jeffries ?
The most offensive comedian i have ever seen, fantastic..
What goes around comes around


  • Posts: 7223
Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2008, 11:48:39 am »
Well here are a few pics ! the ultra pac renovate is good stuff used it at normal dilution to start with then had to use it a bit stronger for the second attempt at cleaning,as you will see from the pics i was fighting a losing battle,no barrier mats the floor is all uneven making it hard to get a decent amount of suction through the wand.
When i left this job the last time it looked like i had not even cleaned them  :( this time it was slightly better but still not 100%.


What goes around comes around

Joe H

Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2008, 01:00:21 pm »
Shoot the people who sell this sort of carpet.

I too find them hard to clean.

Looks like you did a half decent job in difficult circumstance.

HQCS (John Kastrian)

  • Posts: 272
Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2008, 03:02:56 pm »
You find this carpet in many new apartment blocks these days,and as most are rented properties thay are usually very abused.
I have always found these carpets one of the easier to clean and the letting agents and landlords have always been impressed.-John


  • Posts: 7223
Re: Best way to get this clean
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2008, 03:12:48 pm »
This is the only job i have had in over 4 years with this carpet.Most of the new builds round here use the same beige wool mix type thing.Sorry about the upside down pic ! it`s the right way up on the image hosting site ?
There is so much muck under the carpet that it just kept wicking back up ,i was lifting it away from the floor with the vac to try and minimise this but still kept coming back.Maybe next time i will get more out fingers crossed.
I used over 80 l of fluid on just the stairs and a small bit of landing..
with the rental props i assume you mean domestic so you have4 max 5 people there ,this was a business with over 70 members of staff the toilets are upstairs so take a real hammering daily.
The ultra pac stuff didn`t do my lungs much good though think i should have worn  mask
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