Hi folks, and a happy new year to you all! I need advice regarding numatics nva 619080 turbo electric power head. I have been using samsung tools on my standard henry hoovers which have a power head which just works with the vacuum pressure which is created. However these units are constantly having to be overhauled by myself every 2-3 weeks-a real pain! Then I spotted the numatic turbo electric head, which isn't cheap but I wondered if anyone can tell me if they are any good, how they work and can they work on standard henry's?
And while I have your attention.....my old Jeyes Ensign 350 has a broken plastic handle through which the power cord runs. Can anyone tell me the best place for spares/price.Finally the beater bar roller has started perishing where the brushes attach leaving more debris on the carpet. Are these easy to replace? Many thanks for any advice offered, P.J.