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Count Phil

  • Posts: 656
Worried customers?
« on: December 20, 2007, 03:37:36 pm »
I just noticed a massive drop in tips this year. I'm not moaning because I don't expect them, its just that I usually pull in 2-300 quid in december, this year I'm up to 60 quid and a bottle of aldi wine.

Are people worried about recession? Or just skint? Or have I upset them? Or is it the foggy frosty weather (that's only the past few days).

One row of terraces I do, 4 in a row, all 7.50, all normally give me a tenner in december, this year I got a quid from one and nothing extra from the others.

I'm not moaning, just surprised, and worried about next months price rises.....


  • Posts: 1500
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2007, 03:42:01 pm »
Mine is down a bit as well. I think it wallet tightening time for many people.


  • Posts: 807
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2007, 03:45:40 pm »
How long you been going? This is my 2nd Xmas and tips are much higher than last year :) Maybe once theyre used to you, 3 or 4 years in, they dont bother? :(

Count Phil

  • Posts: 656
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2007, 03:51:58 pm »
This is my fifth christmas. Fifth winter I should say.


Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2007, 04:05:58 pm »
This is my first and it looks like it's going to be a struggle financially for me. the wife's allready trying to get me to do some sort of driving job. Trouble is when i look at my hourly rate nothing comes close. Just need more hours! This is also the first job i've had where people have tipped me - very nice. Worked in a factory all my life with tight arsed managers and directors who would take all the wine and spirits home for themselves. Sod the workers. Actually i did get a diary one year!


Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2007, 04:27:22 pm »
Maybe once theyre used to you, 3 or 4 years in, they dont bother? :(

I think you have a point there, I am on my 10th winter, and noticed what youve described ahppening after about 3 winters. Ive done £65.00 this year on tips, the alrgest being £14.00 the rest the odd fiver and others of £1.00-2.00-3.00

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2007, 04:37:29 pm »
Have you changed to wfp this year?
That's what I put it down to.
They're not as happy as they were.
They may not tell you, and will put up with it no problem, but given the choice preferred the old way.

I usually get £300-400.
So far £145 and two bottles of wine.

I'll be struggling to get my sat-nav now. >:(

Dean Aspects

  • Posts: 1786
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2007, 04:42:08 pm »
I usually get around £400 in tips but this year they seem to be coming in alot less although i have also got rid of alot of the work where the usual type of tipper lives to make way for better paying jobs so some you win some ... well i still win!!



Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2007, 04:43:43 pm »
have not been going that long but this and last crimbo not a single tip...the Dutch are very money concious people from my general observations and tipping is not something they seem to do very much at all...

Could be that I am just terrible at cleaning their windows and this is their punishment....


Blackbushe Windows

  • Posts: 349
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2007, 05:29:20 pm »
Noticed drop too. Seems to be general.

Blackbushe Windows.
Est. 1983


  • Posts: 645
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2007, 05:38:53 pm »
this is my first winter or this time of year, and have got quite allot of tips so far which is nice - i dont expect any as you price the job how much you want to get, so thats all i expect but people give away notes rather than coins and dont bother waiting for their change so more money for me!  yay

Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2007, 05:39:48 pm »
Have you changed to wfp this year?
That's what I put it down to.
They're not as happy as they were.
They may not tell you, and will put up with it no problem, but given the choice preferred the old way.

I usually get £300-400.
So far £145 and two bottles of wine.

I'll be struggling to get my sat-nav now. >:(

Mine are well up. Had plenty of wine that i don't like but don't say no, had 4ltres of Scotch & 5 Vodka, i guess my custys love me & wfp.  ;D


  • Posts: 3120
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2007, 03:05:16 pm »
got nearlt £200 so far about average, been on my own 2 half years 2nd winter,
was a bit worried as it started off very slow the tips.

I think it's like someone just said at first people are so happy to find a good reliable window cleaner and show in tips, after a while you become part of the furniture and with some customers your almost a nusiance as you keep showing up so regularly "mine windows just are that dirty"
"why do you think that is madam? :)"

someone said about putting their prices up in january,
you been doing it longer than me; but I'm due to stick my prices up and do so in april "spring time" also when the budget is also, is just think putting prices up in depths of winter is not a good idea (imo), as customers would probably not have it done in winter if they thought they could get away with it.
merry crimbo all
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.     - Aristotle


Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2007, 03:18:44 pm »
Theres always a reason to NOT put up prices.

Winter, christmas is round the corner.

Spring, Council Tax goes.

Spring, The Budget.

Summer, holidays.

Winter, its dark, WE think custys wont appreciate us so much, so we're reluctant to put up prices.

I put mine up year round, makes no difference, I told one custy I hadnt put her prices up for 3 years, I looked at the card for the house later that day and saw I had done so only this Spring, but forgot, she didnt bat an eyelid and said 'Ok, yea thats fine, see you next time'


  • Posts: 1097
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2007, 04:11:26 pm »
Not had many tips, this is my first xmas, most tips have come from the old dears £5, £2 etc. but I realise my prices are not the cheapest around so can't complain.

There's also a couple of draw backs with using the SAE and online banking. No tips with any of these payments and quite a few dragging their heels sending this months payments, around 80% of my custy's use these methods. They could be very busy with xmas or feeling the pinch.

The outlook for next year certainly looks a bit on the dodgy side. So maybe us WC's may be in for a rocky ride I've no idea, I haven't been around for that long.

'Success is buried in the garden of failure'


  • Posts: 993
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2007, 04:15:27 pm »
There's also a couple of draw backs with using the SAE and online banking. No tips with any of these payments and quite a few dragging their heels sending this months payments.

This is the only time of the year that we actually go out and collect. have been all this week. i look at it as a christmas bonus as there is an influx of money by going out and collecting. plus by knocking on thier door this time of year you get more chance of tips although i never see them thats for the workers  ;)


  • Posts: 1097
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2007, 04:20:43 pm »
It's something I will probably do next year nat, explain that because of xmas post and may get lost etc I will be colleting for Dec. any tips will still go in the wifes purse ::)

'Success is buried in the garden of failure'


  • Posts: 235
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2007, 04:32:20 pm »
Cash tips Down this year, but tins of chocolates up, I'm on tin 9 now, and a few bottles of wine, and I had a T bone steak with a home grown onion.
When you think of it, a tin of chocolates cost about a fiver? and a few of my tins are bigger than the cheap £5 ones.
I think squeeky may have a good point. even if they do like wfp? were only there half the time we used to be when we were on ladders.

Paul Coleman

Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2007, 05:21:18 pm »
Maybe once theyre used to you, 3 or 4 years in, they dont bother? :(

I think you have a point there, I am on my 10th winter, and noticed what youve described ahppening after about 3 winters. Ive done £65.00 this year on tips, the alrgest being £14.00 the rest the odd fiver and others of £1.00-2.00-3.00

That's about what I've had too Matt.  I'm not so bothered though because I don't expect them and certainly don't tout for them.  In one sense, I feel that it is a good sign.  I run it in a more businesslike manner these days and maybe that's reflected by less tipping.  I first noticed a sharp drop some years ago.   It was no coincidence I feel that the tipping levels plumetted in my first year of not calling back to make doorstep collections.  These days many of my customers only see me rarely and this probably is reflected in tipping levels.  Again, I don't mind because the money spent and time used by driving around collecting cost me far more in a year than any lost tips.

Clear Vision

  • Posts: 1908
Re: Worried customers?
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2007, 05:35:16 pm »

I'll be struggling to get my sat-nav now. >:(

Surely you know your way around your customers by now??? ;D