I have an employee that started work on 1st of October, I gave her a job offer in writing that stated that she would be on trial for three months, she was fine at first, it took some time to get a reference for her from her previous employer, I telephoned in the end and got a horror story, but decided to give her the bennifit of the doubt, the written one I eventually received was not good either. her conduct now is not good, she is continually complaining about the terms and conditions, and I have told her that she agreed to these when she took the job and that I am not going to change them, she has refused to do a job because she said that she was not prepared to travel approx 4 miles to it unless she was paid more money, she has also stated that she cannot manage on the pay, I give her the hours and more,if I can, that she requested on a regular basis,I pay more than the minimum wage,I feel that I have bent over backwards to acommodate this girl, paying her weekly instead on monthly like every one else, can I get rid of this girl now, the other girls dont like working with her, I am prepared to pay her any holiday owing plus 1 weeks pay in lieu of notice I dont want her to work her notice, or do I have to go down the verbal warning, written warning route, her work is ok, its just her conduct I cannot work with.