Interesting idea ged,
I dont think you should offer discount for current customers who use you yearly, whats the point,your just losing money?
these customers i would just phone march time, "to book them in for the same time as last year-because you are getting lots of work coming in for around that time".. in the diary job done!
The ones to offer the discount to is your customers who dont have it done yearly, If you can convert them by offering them 15-20% discount if they agree to a yearly clean then you are going to make money.
its tough tho because you need to have enough margin in your jobs, eg
1 job price £150. = profit £130?
2 jobs @ 20% discount ; £120+ £120= £240 less costs say £40 = £200 profit
so your only getting an extra £70 for twice the work.
I think it could work ged but i would be doing this sparingly and only on jobs with plenty of profit in.
You can easily work it out by deciding, am i prepared to do this drive again for just over half price?
On the other hand jobs are often picked up by being out and about and if your quite then any profit is welcome.
any help?