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  • Posts: 465
Bad day yesterday
« on: November 09, 2007, 05:34:53 am »
Started yesterday thinking I'd be done by about 2.00 about £250 better off.

Then as I was kneeling on customers lounge floor cleaning one of the 2 sofas in her 2 bed flat I noticed some blue spots on the cream coloured carpet.

There was a blue vase on window sill so assumed it was light coming in through this.

Then I noticed more and more and more.

The dye was bleeding from my jeans onto the carpet  :'(

Tried all sorts on it and made it lighter but it is still there now.

Customer was nice about it but I have to wait til this morning to see if she wants it replaced :-\  (And I wont be wearing jeans again)

Just as I was leaving there my partner called to say that one of our domestic cleaners had managed to spill liquid window cleaner on a cream carpet >:(

This has a green dye in it - have extracted it a few times and it has got better - what might get it out today do you think?

Joe H

Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2007, 08:04:39 am »
I reckon you wished you stayed in bed!


  • Posts: 3617
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2007, 08:20:20 am »
When you think about it , what was you doing wearing jeans working in a custys house?

certainly not something I would do, I dont think it portrays the right image .

You should really have been aware of the fact that dye from jeans is suspect to migration, look at most leather suites and there will be signs of dye from jeans.

Finaly , Why was you not using drop sheets , this would have prevented the problem.

Still, as you say , you have learnt a lesson, and warned others of the danger, like most of us do throughtout our chores.
Some things are simply overlooked , I know we have all done it

who ever said dont knock before u try ,i never tried dog crap but i know i wouldnt like  haha

melanie rowe

  • Posts: 24
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2007, 12:22:55 pm »
Such naiveity shows a total lack of respect, i hope you don't refer to yourself as a professional cleaner, you have a responsibility to show due care and attention toward your customer, you should be ashamed of yourself, on both counts, why on earth trust staff to use a window cleaner with a green dye in it, you are just asking for trouble, and as for the jeans.....well! You have nobody to blame but yourself, i have no sympathy for you at all. Sheer supidity.


  • Posts: 465
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2007, 12:31:17 pm »
Phew - she was fine this morning even thought there is a definite mark (albeit light) there.

Just knocked off the cost of the lounge from the total price.

Geoff - Lesson learnt re drop sheets etc.  With regard to jeans I didnt think they would migrate after god knows how many washes.  I feel comfy in them and get most of what I quote for.  I do keep thinking about it though and this confirms I will have to try and find some other suitable trousers at a sensible price (I'm 6'7'' and its not easy).

Melanie - Are you a troll?

Steve Chapman

  • Posts: 1743
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2007, 01:20:01 pm »

It's not exactly professional to make a personal attack on someone ;)

Constructive critism yes, but no need for the aggressive comments, we have all made silly mistakes, unless you are perfect of course ??



  • Posts: 161
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2007, 01:36:12 pm »
I agree with Steve, that was completly uncalled for!  ::)

You live and learn is all I can say - sure you wont make the same mistake again  :)


Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2007, 04:26:14 pm »
Such naiveity shows a total lack of respect, i hope you don't refer to yourself as a professional cleaner, you have a responsibility to show due care and attention toward your customer, you should be ashamed of yourself, on both counts, why on earth trust staff to use a window cleaner with a green dye in it, you are just asking for trouble, and as for the jeans.....well! You have nobody to blame but yourself, i have no sympathy for you at all. Sheer supidity.

Wow, what a reply and the poor guy was only asking for help :) Haven't you had one of those days where it would have been better to stay in bed and hibernate, most of us would have to admit to them somewhere along the way! As for due care and attention Absolute was honest and told the customer.....some wouldn't and I get the impression that if necessary he would have replaced. As it was, all was well with that one. Melanie do you have staff? If so, do you watch over their moves every minute they are on shift? I think not. You have to trust people to do the job as you wish, cos if you stand over them and watch them you might just as well do the job yourself and then you wouldn't be paying a wage out either. This cleaner may have just decided to do it their own way and not the way it should have been done,resulting in the green dye on the carpet. Again a lesson learnt for them, accidents happen that is why we have insurance. Professionalism is like the eyes of the beholder or in our cases in the eyes of the maybe Abs shouldn't have worn jeans and I bet he never will again, ;) and maybe he should have put drop sheets he will from now on....... ;)but he didn't and as he says he goes quoting in them and wins work, so he must be doing something right or he would not pick up work. Abs what happened with the green dye one???

Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2007, 04:39:36 pm »
So did anyone actually get around to helping absolute out with a remedy for this mishap?
Nah didn't think so. In future could we help each other out instead of of internet tongue lashings.

Joe H

Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2007, 04:49:16 pm »
Neil - Cetainly is nice when we can help each other out.

as for tongue lashing - one! - reprimanded by two others.

I replied early morning but not being a window cleaner didnt know what the green dye was never mind how to sort it. If I had given advice it could well have been wrong so I kept my mouth shut but ackowledged he had done a post.

Abs himself sounds fine about it and he has it sorted now.
He's hopefully learnt from it - and hopefully we others have as well.


  • Posts: 465
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2007, 04:55:58 pm »
Cheers peeps.

The green dye was from a standard glass spray bottle which leaked - not even the cleaners fault.

The mark from that has not gone completley (it was still wet when I got there and most of it came out with a rinse extract) but the customer is fine - it is rented property so if she gets pulled on check out then we will have to sort it.  Fortunately the cleaner who was at the jobs brother owns a carpet shop and it was only a very small entrance hall so it should be ok.

If anyone does have any thoughts let me know as we can access the property whenever we like.

Unfortunately not out of the woods on the other one now.  She has just phoned saying that it was early this morning and she would like another look at it when she comes back from weekend away.  At the same time her hubby returns from working away :-\

Oh well - as said above lessons learnt ;)

The Great One

  • Posts: 12673
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2007, 04:59:59 pm »

Where's Jesus when you need him ;D


Martin 8)

Ken Wainwright

  • Posts: 2107
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2007, 05:07:47 pm »
Probably still in the bottle Martin ;)

Safe and happy cleaning :)
Veni, vidi vici, Vaxi
I came, I saw, I conquered, I cleaned up!


  • Posts: 465
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2007, 05:09:53 pm »

Where's Jesus when you need him ;D


Martin 8)

Jesus was in the room a few times yesterday along with several words which are in no way biblical (well one of them might be) ;D

Steve Chapman

  • Posts: 1743
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2007, 05:33:49 pm »
have you tried the hydrogen peroxide route, have used it many times and was a lifesaver on a white 100% cotton rug that went horribly wrong a few weeks ago, (there is a post on it)

Not sure how effective on dye it will be but may do enough to lighten it slightly,
i normally mix with ammonia and use a hairdryer to dry quickly and the heat speeds up the action.

as always proceed with caution.


mark dew

  • Posts: 2901
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2007, 05:46:44 pm »
i'm a window cleaner and i'm not sure what green stuff you used but surely it would be water soluble?
A stab in the dark (and you say you rinsed it) but lots of water on the affected area should dilute it to nothing. If it doesn't please let us know what this product is.
Good luck!!

melanie rowe

  • Posts: 24
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2007, 06:17:55 pm »
I stand by what i say, if you don't like it, tough! but the word cowboy cleaner springs to mind, and now his mates have arrived, alert the poor unsuspecting public.
 ;D :D


  • Posts: 465
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2007, 06:27:58 pm »

All it was was a spray on and rub glass cleaner as opposed to a window cleaners product.

When I spoke to Rob at Cleansmart he said he'd had a similar problem and that it was dye in this (as in many other cleaning products i guess) which cause the problem.

Carpet Doc

The carpet wasnt actually white so I dont think that would work.



Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2007, 06:44:47 pm »

Methods and procedures are relatively easy to change. Personality is much harder.


  • Posts: 3617
Re: Bad day yesterday
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2007, 07:09:42 pm »

you clearly have a problem.

How can you possibly call a fellow c/c a cowboy when you dont even know him, well not that i am aware :-\   ,as for saying " now all his mates have arrived"   , again
a riduculous statment.

I certainly dont know him personaly, but  i certainly wouldnt label him with any tag, he was simply letting us know of what had gone wrong that day, and by doing so has learnt from it and possibly prevented somebody else making a similar mistake.

I just hope that nothing goes wrong for you in the future, but it wont will it?
Well it may well do, but you just wouldnt admit it.


ps.Why not just hold your hands up and appologise for been so arrogant and self centered, then we can all get back to normal ;)
who ever said dont knock before u try ,i never tried dog crap but i know i wouldnt like  haha