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cheeky little t**t
« on: November 08, 2007, 09:19:59 pm »
confronted a lad today who works for us, about going so slow whilst working.
he's a good w/c who usually works at a descent pace, his response was "we done a job this morning, it took an hour and you charge £80 for it, so why should we work at speed and make you even more money". needless to say i was livid.
so, now for the nitty gritty, on one hand he is usually an excellent worker loyal trustworthy and honest, but on the other i am not prepared to have anyone (apart from my wife) talk to me like that keep him or sack him, is there any other alternative, i have not thought about anything else since this incident....... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Chris Cottrell

  • Posts: 3162
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2007, 09:23:32 pm »
make it an official verbal warning tell him if it happens again you wont be happy bunny

then sack the "cheeky little;D

Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2007, 09:24:21 pm »
confronted a lad today who works for us, about going so slow whilst working.
he's a good w/c who usually works at a descent pace, his response was "we done a job this morning, it took an hour and you charge £80 for it, so why should we work at speed and make you even more money". needless to say i was f***ing livid.
so, now for the nitty gritty, on one hand he is usually an excellent worker loyal trustworthy and honest, but on the other i am not prepared to have anyone (apart from my wife) talk to me like that keep him or sack him, is there any other alternative, i have not thought about anything else since this incident....... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
I am guessing you dont pay commision, if you dont why would he want to work to earn you more, add that as a bonus he will work his little socks off as it will be then worth it to him  ;)

also say to him ever talk to me again that way and you will not be working for us again, I pay you to work

ray l

  • Posts: 167
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2007, 09:25:37 pm »
Wait untill you can say it , but sometime when your paying him for work he hasn,t earn,t  holidays/sick/ wet weather let him know its those times he,s earning more that you have to budget for him to have this holiday/sick  wet weather money

Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2007, 09:26:26 pm »
I don't employ, but at least he said it to you. Don't sack him good lads are hard to get. Give him a pep talk.


  • Posts: 5855
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2007, 09:32:50 pm »
Take time out and calm down ;)  if you feel the same tomorrow, then give him a warning, verbal if no previous warnings.

Then if he does it a gain put your arm around his shoulder, walk him around the back of the property then kick the out of him ;D ;D Joking aside, I give respect to everyone but I demand it back, if someone  shows me a lack of respect, I let them know my feelings, I try to do it so politly it tends to embarrass  them. ;D

Good idea about the bonus scheme though.


Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2007, 09:39:42 pm »
Put him on piece work, the more he speeds up the more he earns. If he is slow the less he earns.


  • Posts: 2038
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2007, 09:40:09 pm »
lol the lad is right though, he obviously hasnt realised he is better off without you yet i hope it starts his own round and tells you to stuff your job

you do realise slave labour was abolished??


  • Posts: 993
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2007, 09:43:01 pm »
bonuses are the way forward, they work, they get paid well! they don't then no money!!!

i notice that these comments come out sometimes, as i've said before give a bit take a bit back, i put up with some sly comments but if they become to often then i become the boss and knock them down a peg or two, i still treat them with respect at all times though.

Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2007, 09:45:32 pm »
lol the lad is right though, he obviously hasnt realised he is better off without you yet i hope it starts his own round and tells you to stuff your job

you do realise slave labour was abolished??
shhhh dont say that to loud my guys may here lol


  • Posts: 2038
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2007, 09:47:27 pm »

shhhh dont say that to loud my guys may here lol



  • Posts: 993
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2007, 09:48:10 pm »
lol the lad is right though, he obviously hasnt realised he is better off without you yet i hope it starts his own round and tells you to stuff your job

you do realise slave labour was abolished??
What a stupid comment!

many hours and many monnies go into working these rounds, my lot get paid very well, more than what a lot of people state they earn on this site, (i'm not knocking anyone on here just pointing out a fact)

if i employed someone with an attitude like yours i'd sack you.


  • Posts: 186
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2007, 10:07:50 pm »
confronted a lad today who works for us, about going so slow whilst working.
he's a good w/c who usually works at a descent pace, his response was "we done a job this morning, it took an hour and you charge £80 for it, so why should we work at speed and make you even more money". needless to say i was livid.
so, now for the nitty gritty, on one hand he is usually an excellent worker loyal trustworthy and honest, but on the other i am not prepared to have anyone (apart from my wife) talk to me like that keep him or sack him, is there any other alternative, i have not thought about anything else since this incident....... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
For this reason this is why i will for 1 or 2 months taking someone on supervise over them that way you know exactly how much work they sould do on a specific area in a day and if there not meeting your expectation then i would want to know why. But maybe they need that bonus incentive or maybe they still wont work hard enough for you. Its trial and error. But i would not tolerate any lip like that and would give him a verbal warning. In the meantime i would be looking for another worker cos the chances are it will happen again so you need to be prepared, they all think that there doing you a favour by working for you and you have to make them think differently. But it is a tough one i dont envy you. Good luck


  • Posts: 186
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2007, 10:12:14 pm »
lol the lad is right though, he obviously hasnt realised he is better off without you yet i hope it starts his own round and tells you to stuff your job

you do realise slave labour was abolished??
What a stupid comment!

many hours and many monnies go into working these rounds, my lot get paid very well, more than what a lot of people state they earn on this site, (i'm not knocking anyone on here just pointing out a fact)

if i employed someone with an attitude like yours i'd sack you.
Here Here! apart from the slave labour bit i think i might be guilty of that at times!


  • Posts: 5855
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2007, 10:14:59 pm »
One other thing Everclean

I don't employ staff, but I would try my hardest, not to let them know what I charge for an account, at least there always in the dark as to what each job is worth, also makes it difficult for them to learn a pricing statergy.

Just a thought ;)

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2007, 10:52:50 pm »
Can't say I blame him.
I'd put sod-all effort in either.

What's in it for him if he works faster?


Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2007, 10:55:07 pm »
would think you would be on "slippery" ground sacking him over this. Yous ay he normally is a good lad, perhaps he was having a bad day? Not defending him at all but we all get bad days. When you have calmed down, take him to one side and have a chat...explain that a certain % goes on wages and % on paid hols and just remind him that with xmas coming up, work rate throughout the year does have an affect on xmas bonuses etc. Would word it to the fact that you are prepared to overlook the atitude this time, but should this re-appear you will take normal disciplinary action. Hopefully he will be back to normal for you 2morrow.  ;D

Pat Purcell

  • Posts: 568
Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2007, 11:25:56 pm »
sit him down and explain the economics of it to him
That 80 quid was one of our better paying jobs and of that eighty quid at least 30 is gone on insurance, petrol, equipment, that leaves 50
of that 50 I have to pay 10 in tax, that leaves 40
i had to spend an hour between getting the job scheduling it and dealing with any problems associated with the comopleted job so you only worked one hour and I worked 2
I paid you 15 quid which leaves me with 25 quid for 2 hours work so you actually made more than me
feel free to inflate the numbers even more if you pay him less ;D
Boston USA    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Cork Ireland

Wayne Thomas

Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2007, 11:44:43 pm »
It's only a matter of time until he realises he could work for himself earning more, (I did, after working for someone else for 3months). The good ones normally leave and start up on their own and the crap ones either get the sack or remain with you until the end of time :)


Re: cheeky little t**t
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2007, 10:34:05 am »
We  have got used to all antics of staff, although at times we would like to sack the lot, (we now try to laugh about it at the end of the day :)
We know we have always paid well and treated well anyone that has worked for us....we have shown patience to the not so quick to pick it up people, we have shown support to the people that have experienced out of work problems, we have bitten lips and gritted teeth at some comments and abuse thrown at us and  we have more than nurtured some that seemingly would have benefited our business in some way.
Present staff excepted (we'll wait and see!) all that have gone before have in some way dented our belief that if you treat someone right then they treat you the same way back!The one thing that gets to us most....lies..... why bother lying, just be honest, you always get found out anyway.
We use a timesscale with staff and not one has differed from it!(If they have stayed that long!)
1-2 months - full of enthusiasm and working well
3-4 months - enthusiasm waning a little, think they know it all, will do things their own way and get it wrong!"
5-6 months - think they own the business and start "telling" us
7-8 months (if not sacked at 6months!) - realise that we do know best and yes they are being paid and treated well and yes hmmm this is quite a good job afterall! :)