I wasn't really referring to, say council estates etc, I meant decent sized houses, respectable area, some still too cheaply priced etc. They seem to treat you worse than ones that are well priced. They may be on the same road. It just seems that stinging them makes them think of you as a business, and being really good value makes them think of you as 'just the window cleaner'.
Just an example, a customer who was well under priced was always a pain and was going to be dropped. Which I did. It was 6 quid (around here that's stupidly cheap for what it was). I just did it because I did loads down there, you know what I mean?
After I dropped it a few months went by and she came to find out where I was (I didn't tell here she was dropped. she'd just been rude for the last time). I said oh, well you're too cheap, my minimum is £10 and yours should be 12 so its up to you. She took it! I did them and she's been great ever since.
Bizzare. At 6 quid, rude, at 12 quid, nice. And its not because I dropped her - she thinks I just did that on price, not on her manners.