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gary evans

  • Posts: 1242
Stolen computer.
« on: August 31, 2007, 06:09:44 am »
To everyone using a computer for work & round management.

Make sure that you constantly update backups & store at other location or somewhere safe.

We had ours stolen bank hol monday, including a lot of damage £2000 upwards, because they could not find any money.

I had an accounts/invoices backup done from the friday before, but not the whole system. The other main backup was a couple of months old but stored in  a locked cupboard next to the computer, that & a lot of other stuff went.


Also get your insurer to go over your policy, me & the unit next door that were done have been told our insurance is void. Theres always something that you dont know that allows them to get out of it.


Jeff Brimble

  • Posts: 4347
Re: Stolen computer.
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2007, 06:27:56 am »
Too lose the lot is too painful for words, hard luck.
Good luck in trying to re establish everything, your going to need it  :'(


  • Posts: 783
Re: Stolen computer.
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2007, 07:27:49 am »
And there's me gutted cos some little sh*t stole my small pole from a hedge on Tuesday  :-[
Why wasn't you covered Gary? Which part of the smallprint did they shaft you on? Insurance companies can be bigger thieves than the thieves that nick ya gear in the first place  >:(

Roy Harding

  • Posts: 1970
Re: Stolen computer.
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2007, 08:26:41 am »
Hi Gary

What reason did they say your not coverd?

I have just had a friend whos uint got broken into and they took £15,000 of laptops and computers. He was told the unit was not secure and threfore not insured. But there was away arround this. A local insurance broker told him.

When you put the reason if its the same I will tell you how.



  • Posts: 360
Re: Stolen computer.
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2007, 08:43:45 am »
SCUM!    i hope you find out who it was gary and give them the kicking they deserve  >:(


  • Posts: 33
Re: Stolen computer.
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2007, 09:21:49 am »
Hope you catch the numptys... it might be worth having a word with your ISP or bank, if they try to log onto your email they can get the IP address and you can usually find the street address from that. It's how we got my girlfriend's laptop back (although I had to go round with a few mates as the police did sod all like usual).

gary evans

  • Posts: 1242
Re: Stolen computer.
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2007, 06:22:31 pm »
Thanks all its society today. Courts just keep freeing them to re-offend. Theres a B&B come hostel near by now, we think its them but you cant prove it. Soco could not find any evidence, they wore gloves.

Roy, i,ll be speaking to them again on monday, but, apparently i took an insurance out that coved all tools, poles etc once they leave the unit, nothing inside. I thought i had good cover, didnt realise what i had exactly. So read the small print.
