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that could well be my last day
« on: August 29, 2007, 04:16:03 pm »
as a window cleaner

crap day, ive had enough of them


  • Posts: 94
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2007, 04:18:37 pm »
cant you just take a few days off to calm down and relax then get back to work and se ehow it goes in a week or two?
surely this is a better option than to just quit now - or atleast find a good job before giving up  - so you have an income.

good luck with your decision.


  • Posts: 1557
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2007, 04:31:39 pm »

Mate I've had this myself. I'm just coming up to the end of my first year as a sole trader after years of working for a company and all I can say is don't jack it in mate. I had a couple of weeks about a month ago when it was raining and in one week I picked up £11 and was about to phone my old boss up. But honestly don't pack in because sometimes it can only take one phone call and your grinning from ear to ear.

simon knight

Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2007, 05:01:04 pm »

Matt, what's going so wrong that you're thinking of jacking it in?

Count Phil

  • Posts: 656
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2007, 05:02:08 pm »
Think man. Think.

If you leave you will work 40hours for the same or less money. Have a boss, people you don't like, redundancies, making up excuses to have an afternoon/day off.

At the moment you work less, earn more, and have the occasional bad day. Think about the run of great days you have. You don't get them at a 'proper job' and you will get alot more bad days. And the return of the 'monday morning feeling'.


Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2007, 05:35:18 pm »
Matt once your a window cleaner your always a window cleaner.

I got away from window cleaning once for a proper job but soon came back.
If i didn't have a 3 year break i would have been cleaning windows for 20 years sad aint it but what other job can you work when you want earn a lot more than a lot of other jobs.
And when you want more money you give yourself a pay rise.

I always think on crap days ive had enough but then you get some good days and it's all worth it again.

Anyway what happened to make you think this way.



  • Posts: 6180
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2007, 05:49:21 pm »
i jacked sales in... and working for other people.. for years ,hated it.... i love this ..." proper job" i have now... good days and bad days.... because they are all....... "my days".... with no one on my case giving  me targets to meet, or looking at the clock, as i walk in, or asking if i can work overtime when england are playing footie.!......

sit back , take stock matt.


  • Posts: 783
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2007, 06:04:09 pm »
Come on Matt.........what's buggin ya mate???? You've been there for hundreds of ya fellow comrades.........let us be there for you  ;) Come on. Spill the beans.........Whatever grief someone's given ya, f$*@ 'em. That's the beauty of this job. 9 times out of ten,if push comes to shove,you can stick "one" finger up to the tw*ts that get to us sometimes.
Dino  :)


  • Posts: 592
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2007, 06:13:48 pm »
Who or whar are "Them" Matt?

Bad days or bad customers?

In my early days as a window cleaner I took things personally and let it get to me then I decided enough was enough. I toughened up and realised that I had to treat the job as a business.

Businesses have ups and downs. Problem days, problem customers and the rest of it but as a business I find I dont take things so personally any more. I always have the bigger picture in mind and as long as I am moving the right way the day to day problems seem smaller.

I really hope you dont pack it in because as others say there arent any other businesses I can think of that are so stress free.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2007, 06:25:13 pm »
Matt something someone has done or said must have really bothered you to go to the trouble of posting it on here,can you give a few more details.

Richy L

  • Posts: 2257
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2007, 06:37:58 pm »
i had a bad day today.
I lost a £2500 customer (bi-monthly clean).
But i know its not the end od the world, its better than working for someone else getting paid a % of what i earn now.
We all have bad patches

Wayne Thomas

Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2007, 07:28:02 pm »

si t down and write out a list of all the pro's and con's of being a window cleaner then visit the job centre and get back to reality of what people earn and how hard they have to work for it and how 5hit they're treated!
We all have bad days or bad customers from time to time. Do something positive with what's annoying you and move on to better times. Take a week off if you're really stressed out as time away will sort your head out. Hope you stay window cleaning!


  • Posts: 6180
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2007, 07:44:09 pm »
and remember why you became  a w/c in the first place... think back mate.

d s windowcleaning

  • Posts: 2782
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2007, 07:49:16 pm »
theres got to be a reason which you aint explained , would be better if we no why.
where theres muck theres money


  • Posts: 3503
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2007, 08:11:22 pm »
Hey Matt, What's up mate? Don't let the barstewards grind you down.
Of course if you've won the lottery, I wouldn't blame you. It would take that, or the doctor to tell me I only had a month to live for me to pack my hand in.
Have a beer or three, take the rest of the week off, and sort it out for Monday.
The forum wouldn't be the same without you mate. Dai


  • Posts: 562
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2007, 08:14:57 pm »
Matt, My tuppence worth. I had a crap day on Monday mainly because i suffer from depression. I had a great day today. I try to take the view that "sh*t happens". Good luck, mate.


Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2007, 08:36:44 pm »
right here goes :)

monday -- day off, had a nice day

tuesday -- go off to clean on a new estate near me ( my MP3 broke, not a problem, 10 quid online, but no music allways puts me in a bad mood ) , goes well in the morning, then i get some idiot complain because im 2 weeks late, i know im 2 weeks late, i didnt work much in july ( because of the rain ) i explain this, she says " im not interested in excuses " fair enough, i then say next time i will pop and do them in the rain, she says " i dont want them done in the rain ", i just carry on with the clean and get paid

next house, i picked up last time, it hasnt been done for 3 years, its a MOD house, i expained last time i come around 6 weeks ( depending on the weather ) she was happy with that, i knock on the door to get paid, i clean the tops TWICE on first cleans, they were filthy, she pays me, and then says " i dont want them done next time, i will have them done the week B4 Christmas " i explain i dont mind every other clean, but thats it, she says " knock on the door before you do them, if im in i will either say Yes or No  :( this really pee'd me off as we had agree'd every 6 weeks

Today --  i clean a few houses, i get to a house that owes me 2 cleans , they say " oh i didnt realise you had done them " i explain they would have had a ticket each time AND then on thursday i ticket to say i had missed them for collection " ( i dont normally collect, except this local estate, i sometimes walk my dog around whilsst collecting ), they then say " well we dont really care if they are clean or not , its not important " ( i will return to this point in a bit )

i then do a few more houses, get to this house and clean the first window upstairs, clean the cill with what look like a pile of bird mess, i clean the next window and get a really bad smearing effect, i bring my brush down and  it turns out to be something that the lads of the house had squirted out of the window, i thought it was hair gel ( not a issue its water based ) it turns out to be some kind of grease :( i try and clean the brush on the wall, try it on a dowstairs window, it drys with loads of greasy/ oily spots, i get the ladder off my car and try and clean them, no joy, they look crap ( i only put them on to fix a Downpipe for some1 ) i go home and clean the brush with fairy and hot water, seems ok, return to the house, stil drys all oily :( i would have called it a day now BUT i had asked 3 to unlock side gates, so i wanted to get them done, i return home, take off old brush and fit all the fittings to a new brush i had, off i go again, i left the house it happened on as i couldnt see how i would fix the problem, i hope 6 weeks of sun / weather will help and i had spent 2 and 1/2 hours messing around on that house, off i go to the next house, i do a few more and the wife of the house comes home , i explain to her what happened, my husband will be home in a bit speak to him, i speak to his and he says " its that little poo of a boy" and he laughs and says " been a bad day for you then " i explain, yes to the tune of 2 and 1/2 hours wasted and brush ( worth 20 quid ) wasted " the guy just laughed

i pack up my kit and decide to phone around a few of my contacts in the building game

now, sure 1 bad day ( today ) and 1 allmost bad day ( yesterday ) isnt the end of the world

in a few weeks my daughter starts school full time, now i can work 5 days a week then, so ive been thinking on this, i have enugh work to work 4 days a week now ( i currently only do 3 days, then look after my daughter ) BUT i know i have enough for 4 days work, that i thought would do me, 1 day for rain or a day off, then in the school holidays i could drop back to 3 days

ive been thinking for a while now, do customers really care about the clean windows, as im getting more and more of a impression they dont really care, as long as they are clean-ish, they are happy, now i have allways done jobs the best i can, if it takes a extra few mins, then so be it, but im really struggling with the feeling that they just dont care

Another thing on my mind, the lack of job satisfaction, when i have done carpentery / building work, i can stand back and think, that looks a great job, the customer allways says " that looks great etc etc ) now i dont get this with windows, people pay and thats it, as above, do they even notice ?? ??

another thing, lack of challenge, now as people will know, ive been doing this for 4 and 1/2 years now ( so only a beginner ;)) the first challenge was to be able to use the sqeegee right, i picked up that, then i moved to WFP and that was a challenge, now i have nothing left to test me, i know i can use both methods to do a good job, so i have nothing left to challenge me in anyway

i have a nice round, very compact, enough work for 4 days a week with a 6 week turnaround, so why am i not happy ?? ??


Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2007, 08:37:39 pm »
oh and cheers for the kind words folks, mucho thanks

d s windowcleaning

  • Posts: 2782
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2007, 09:03:56 pm »
matt down let it get you down mate . all my custom love me if im late or in the rain . i can see the point about the music on your mp3 though . get on with it mate bit of bad luck for you at the moment but it will change for the better stick with it .  ;)
where theres muck theres money

Ian W

  • Posts: 1161
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2007, 09:09:04 pm »
Matt - As a total beginner to this business, I have read your posts over the last few months and always enjoy them. I hope you don't decide to give up, but only you can make the decision.
Do all the good you can, and make as little fuss about it as possible.
Charles Dickens