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Dean Aspects

  • Posts: 1786
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2007, 09:19:05 pm »
I used to feel the same way about the job satisfaction issue theirs no getting away from it that their is no end product so to speak apart from a pile of money so what i did is started something else a hobby with goals that seemed so far away but i recently completed my goal in this hobby after three years so now i have added another task with a goal that seems as far away as the first

It takes your mind away from the mundane w/cing and focuses the mind elsewhere

Well it works for me anyway



  • Posts: 783
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2007, 09:21:35 pm »
Wow, no wonder it took ya so long to get back to us. I thought it was an Ian Giles post, so i had to go back and check  ;D
Don't shoot me down in flames people, but i get the impression Matt, that this work that's brought ya down is on a housing i right??? The kind where some of kids are a royal pain in the arse and money comes before principals. I had loads of work on a housing estate my way and i also got p1ssed off with people ignoring me when collecting. Can i pay you next month? Oh the wife/husband has got all the money. Every excuse under the sun to postpone paying up. Had about 3 years of that then i just woke up and smelt the coffee one day. Wrote off most of what was owing to me and slept better for it. Moved on to posher places where people DID care if the windows were cleaned(regularly) and rarely get shafted at all now.
Now before 1 or 2 of you are thinking i'm a snob, i aint. I lived on a housing estate until about 2 years ago and i made loads of friends, many whom i still see often. I still do 4 houses next to each other on it,but they're old people who are sound as a pound, but i'd never go back to trying to find decent/significant work there because i just don't think it's possible.
Putting flack jacket on now  :o

Ian Rochester

  • Posts: 2588
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2007, 09:29:35 pm »
That's what Bank Holidays do for you, nobody enjoys work after having a few days off, it's always a case of...

"There must be better ways to earn money than this?"

When you're in that sort of mood even the smallest slight on your character or performance gets magnified 10 times.

Just let it ride over you, these customers come and go, don't let them get to you.

If you are after a challenge then look for one, stay in the cleaning arena and diversify into something different, invest in a quality pressure washer and start cleaning patios and decking when it's wet.

If you have enough work then get someone to work with you, times goes by quicker and problems are halved if there are two of you working.


  • Posts: 783
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2007, 09:30:55 pm »
As for job satisfaction Matt, i know where you're coming from. We aint ambulancemen or Doctors or corrupt MP's  ;D But i get my satisfaction from being there for my family(too bl00dy much sometimes)  ;D and knowing that they got food in their bellies and a kick around in the park when alot of other dad's are just boarding the 4.15 from Paddington  8)

john masterclean

  • Posts: 34
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #24 on: August 29, 2007, 09:38:27 pm »
we work for ourselves...just drop the baddies and replace with goodies...anyone who stresses you just drop work to live not live to work  :) :) :)


  • Posts: 783
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2007, 09:43:40 pm »
One thing i have learnt about this job is-it can either be as stressful or as stress free as you want it to be. That is,until something goes t*ts up with the pole,the RO,the hose,the van,the pump,the varistream,the connectors...........Ok Matt,point taken.........window cleaning sucks  ;D
Chin up fella,it'll soon be winter.

Wayne Thomas

Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #26 on: August 29, 2007, 09:51:43 pm »
Lose your crap/awkward customers and replace them with better ones.
I have 2 trades to fall back on and I know what you mean about job satisfaction in a trade.
I look at this window cleaning job simply as a business to earn me money with the flexibility of working time and time off.
Try not to get so personal (stressed out, worked up) about the job and think of it as tool that enables you to earn the money and allow you the time off to do what you want to do.
If you work for someone else you lose your independence and flexibility.
Good luck whatever you decide.


Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2007, 09:58:40 pm »
Wow, no wonder it took ya so long to get back to us. I thought it was an Ian Giles post, so i had to go back and check  ;D
Don't shoot me down in flames people, but i get the impression Matt, that this work that's brought ya down is on a housing i right??? The kind where some of kids are a royal pain in the arse and money comes before principals. I had loads of work on a housing estate my way and i also got p1ssed off with people ignoring me when collecting. Can i pay you next month? Oh the wife/husband has got all the money. Every excuse under the sun to postpone paying up. Had about 3 years of that then i just woke up and smelt the coffee one day. Wrote off most of what was owing to me and slept better for it. Moved on to posher places where people DID care if the windows were cleaned(regularly) and rarely get shafted at all now.
Now before 1 or 2 of you are thinking i'm a snob, i aint. I lived on a housing estate until about 2 years ago and i made loads of friends, many whom i still see often. I still do 4 houses next to each other on it,but they're old people who are sound as a pound, but i'd never go back to trying to find decent/significant work there because i just don't think it's possible.
Putting flack jacket on now  :o

Dino, when i say "Housing estate" its not a low class area, its a new build estate with 3 - 5 bed houses, the area i was working were all 4 bed's and worth 250 K plus, we are not taking about council / housing association estates :)

cheers for the words though


  • Posts: 783
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2007, 10:00:10 pm »
Maybe that's the problem matt. How can they pay a mortgage, pay the HP on the 4x4,the holiday and sky and be expected to pay you too  ;D


Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #29 on: August 29, 2007, 10:01:10 pm »

If you have enough work then get someone to work with you, times goes by quicker and problems are halved if there are two of you working.

this is something else, ive allways worked with some1 else as a carpenter, even if its a apprentice, allways enjoyed having some1 to work with, BUT i have allways been able to trust the work of some1 else, now working for myself im not sure i would handle it well, as i know any mistake from some1 else would look bad on me


Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #30 on: August 29, 2007, 10:03:57 pm »
i think i need to have 2 day a week hobby / job to go with my WC'ing

Ive been offered work tonight, 18 months of work fitting kitchens in " council " houses, its something ive done B4 and it got boring after 2 years, as council house tennats dont really care either, it would wind me up to return to them in a few weeks and see them mistreated and falling apart due to neglect


  • Posts: 16952
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #31 on: August 29, 2007, 10:15:14 pm »
Matt LOL,you sound like Squeakys twin brother,get a grip man! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


  • Posts: 783
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #32 on: August 29, 2007, 10:19:54 pm »
You don't come across as someone who gives less that 100% when shining Matt, so if you should screw up now and then you've gotta take it easier on yourself. To err is human. I'm always getting calls saying that windows aint been been cleaned,or not cleaned properly. 9 times out of 10 it's on the insides, or in between the glass  ;D
If ya can't beat them mate, then go as barmy as they for me  ;)


  • Posts: 8156
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #33 on: August 29, 2007, 10:23:29 pm »
i think i need to have 2 day a week hobby / job to go with my WC'ing

Ive been offered work tonight, 18 months of work fitting kitchens in " council " houses, its something ive done B4 and it got boring after 2 years, as council house tennats dont really care either, it would wind me up to return to them in a few weeks and see them mistreated and falling apart due to neglect

sound like youve turned the corner your last post sounded more positive
im sure once you find something too replace the two days you spend with your
daughter now shes going to school with something constructive that you can take pride in things will look in a more positive light.

p.s. had a s***e day myself today so can sympathise

gary >:( ;D

Paul Coleman

Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #34 on: August 29, 2007, 10:24:59 pm »
Matt once your a window cleaner your always a window cleaner.

I got away from window cleaning once for a proper job but soon came back.
If i didn't have a 3 year break i would have been cleaning windows for 20 years sad aint it but what other job can you work when you want earn a lot more than a lot of other jobs.
And when you want more money you give yourself a pay rise.

I always think on crap days ive had enough but then you get some good days and it's all worth it again.

Anyway what happened to make you think this way.


I'm sure that even if I did have a "normal" job, I would still service some of the better parts of my round as an extra job.


  • Posts: 3688
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #35 on: August 29, 2007, 10:26:58 pm »
Matt, everyone has bad days mate, but do you really want to go back to someone else telling you what to do?  You've got complete flexability and why throw away all the time and effort it's took to build up your business. Take a deep breath see out the rest of the week. Friday pack a bag and go away somewhere nice for the weekend and chill out.

Don't throw it all away for the sake of a few bad days



Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #36 on: August 29, 2007, 10:28:09 pm »
i think i need to have 2 day a week hobby / job to go with my WC'ing

Ive been offered work tonight, 18 months of work fitting kitchens in " council " houses, its something ive done B4 and it got boring after 2 years, as council house tennats dont really care either, it would wind me up to return to them in a few weeks and see them mistreated and falling apart due to neglect

sound like youve turned the corner your last post sounded more positive
im sure once you find something too replace the two days you spend with your
daughter now shes going to school with something constructive that you can take pride in things will look in a more positive light.

p.s. had a s***e day myself today so can sympathise

gary >:( ;D

thats the 2 cans of red bull :)

i forgot to add i have a cold aswell and feel like crap, no energy at all

i doublt i wil sleep tonight with the 2 cans of red bull  ::) ::)

whilst psycho analyzing myself tonight ( dont ask ) it occured to me, my mood could also be that my daughter is starting school and im not coping well with that ?? ?? i dunno, what would sigmund make of it all ?? ??


Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #37 on: August 29, 2007, 10:30:28 pm »
Matt, everyone has bad days mate, but do you really want to go back to someone else telling you what to do?  You've got complete flexability and why throw away all the time and effort it's took to build up your business. Take a deep breath see out the rest of the week. Friday pack a bag and go away somewhere nice for the weekend and chill out.

Don't throw it all away for the sake of a few bad days


last day today anyways, as i have my daugther from tomorrow, im sure come monday i will feel slightly better

i know it makes sence to stick at it, just getting too many crap days of late,

john masterclean

  • Posts: 34
Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #38 on: August 29, 2007, 10:32:58 pm »
can i have ur flashing camper van if you go  ;D ;D ;D ;D


Re: that could well be my last day
« Reply #39 on: August 29, 2007, 10:35:03 pm »
can i have ur flashing camper van if you go  ;D ;D ;D ;D

 ;D ;D