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  • Posts: 5855
Now my motto with all my customers is 3 strikes and your out! or Binned what ever you Prefer.

I have never in all my 10 years as a W/C given a potential new customer her first strike at our first meeting, but this woman has taken the biscuit.

She phoned me last week asking me to price her home and the holiday let on her grounds.
I go around to meet her, and I walk around the house (Nice big one) we get around the back and she begins to tell me where to walk on the conservatory roof to gain access to the windows above, :o  WO! WO! LadyI said, I don't walk on roofs anymore, I use a system called wfp, Well she said my last w/c used to do it all the time??  Where is he now I say, in hospital or the cemetery?
or is it he just stopped calling because of the danger involved????

Anyway, I continue to price the property and gave her the price, (I thought she was going to have a stroke ;D)
But my old w/c only charged 70p per window? This is one of the reasons I suspect he's not returned, I said, That's my price  and I'm sticking to it.

She then hit me with you have priced for all the windows and I only want upstairs and the conervatory doing ::) ok I thought I don't normally do upstairs only, but this being a big place I thought twice about it,
I repriced and told her £40 take it or leave it, because by this time I was getting a little fed up with her(very polite term)
She told me she has another 2 W/C turning up the same day to price for the Job, YES! I thought I won't get this one ;D
You guessed it, I got the bl**dy thing ::)

Now I drove away and thought to myself first strike lady? she was just an arrogant type of person and not one I would normally take on, but it is so close to a lot more I do, its a good price and there are some very big houses down this country lane that I want.

Turned up today to do my first clean and out comes mrs arrogant the first words out of her mouth was, 'Its going to rain' can you leave them? I could have stabbed her in the eye's with my key's, I just replied good morning to you too! if it rains I will give you my 24hr guarantee,  I did make an appointment with you and explaned over the phone about the rain and how wfp works.

'O' ok then, but I will be checking them and the sills :o

Like I have said on a previous post, I always do a risk assessment every time I go to a Job, I did this when I priced it up and again today when I turned up, and by one of the photographs you will see why I do it, Straight away I refused to do the windows above the conservatory and you can see why, but for the life of me, this woman couldn't see why I wouldn't do them ::) it wasn't there on my first visit, this went up over the weekend.

I was on the last window and out she came,  ::) how much more have you got left to do?? 'Last window' I replied, 'What' it took my last w/c 2 hours to do it all and you haven't even polished them :o instead of getting into a conflict and beating her around the head with my pole, I walked to my car and got an explanation letter out, go and spend 5 minutes reading this I said, it will tell you everything about wfp, Just like I explained to you over the phone.

Now I'm  normally a placid and easy going guy, I am always very polite to my customers,I take the micky out of some of the customers I know who will give it back, but for some unknown reason, I find myself unable to be polite to her and seem to be giving back what I am receiving from her.
I get on with 99.9% of my customers but this woman, has the lid off the bin and she has now put her first leg into it, one more leg to go and on goes the lid.
Any bets on how long I'll keep her?????

Just look at the conservatory roof where here previous w/c used to walk and take another look at the electrical extension lead hanging by the guttering.

Trevor Knight

  • Posts: 1825
What's up Jeff, just wear rubber shoes  ;D

Really, does she seriously not understand the danger she has put not only you but also her family in??? Hmmm, switch lights on, rain comes, electrifies house, blows fuse and starts fire, nice one!

With her attitude and obvious lack of common sense I would do the honerable thing and "BIN HER"!
Covering Hampshire, Dorset, Surrey, Berkshire


I reckon you'll not do this customer again ;D ;D



  • Posts: 5855
What's up Jeff, just wear rubber shoes  ;D

Really, does she seriously not understand the danger she has put not only you but alos her family in??? Hmmm, switch lights on, rain comes, electrifies house, blows fuse and starts fire, nice one!

With her attitude and obvious lack of common sense I would do the honerable thing and "BIN HER"!
One more leg to go  ;D

You didn't do the window because you thought the run off water would present a hazard?

Did she pay okay?

There are 3 windows above, even  the one on the far right I didn't touch, the cables and light bulbs are in the guttering all the way along.

I reckon you'll not do this customer again ;D ;D

She only has the lid off the bin and one leg in it, she has one leg to go, before I slam the lid shut. ;D


  • Posts: 123

ask her is she related to my ex missus from warrington mate ?    ;)

Awkward cow.


  • Posts: 5855
Part of me is glad you have a toughie. As a start up a lot of my early customers were like this, some were worse and for less money,

You are established and a lot of your work is recommendation so to a degree you have been shielded from some of the crap that people like me, Plyform etc are forced to eat.

You might be surprised and she could be okay. Yes you'll dread going there, but be fair, ordering you about is probably one of the few pleasures she gets in life.

Please beleive me when I say, like most established w/c's, I have had my fair share of the customers that we all dread, but this woman takes the biscuit,
I wasn't forced to take the Job I know, but when I changed from Trad to wfp last December and up until now I have enjoyed 2 out of my 6 week round off,
when this woman phoned, I knew the area and I also knew, there are some large houses there, and to get my foot in the door so to speak, would boost my takings right up and I would still maybe have a week off for myself and family.
This is one of the reasons I didn't bin her, there is always a method in my madness. ;)


ask her is she related to my ex missus from warrington mate ? ;)

Awkward cow.
Her name isn't Mrs Beaton was it ;D ;D


But those light bulbs must look beautiful at night bobbing up and down in the rainfilled gutter! :o



you could have just unplugged that extension lead and done the windows ;)

i would have walked away, seriously, is it worth the hastle

i lost 3 good priced jobs today, 3 in the same country lane have moved :( then it hammered down and we had thunder and lightening

d s windowcleaning

  • Posts: 2782
id have put her other leg in and slammed the lid shut before gettin in my van  looks like they like a bit of danger in there lives thats what you call a accident waiting to happen just good to see that you didnt attempt to do the windows above conservatory bet shes never heard of a risk assesment
where theres muck theres money


  • Posts: 5855

you could have just unplugged that extension lead and done the windows ;)

i would have walked away, seriously, is it worth the hastle

i lost 3 good priced jobs today, 3 in the same country lane have moved :( then it hammered down and we had thunder and lightening
I know what your saying Matt, but what other danger could I have put myself in, just by grabbing hold of the cables to unplug it?

This family is in no way short of money, 2 villa's in spain, they own a caravan park on the east coast and on there grounds they have a holiday let,
Thet have CCTV all around the house, and that does not come cheap, I know because I used to install them, from what I can see, there is at least £3,000 worth cctv, a pond full of large coy carp at least 20 of them, and each one worth at least £100 each.

He is a Builder by trade, but I certainly wouldn't trust him to do any work on my house, if he can cut corners to save a few bob on his own house, not only with the electrics but with the window cleaning as well.

Everyone so far has only mentioned the electrics, but what about the fact the last W/C used to walk on the conservatory roof and she expected me to do the same?


  • Posts: 783
I got a total pain in the ar*e punter(£18) every 2 months(if he's in.yeh one of them) Half a mill' house. Crusty ol paintwork,plants everywhere,tiny alley to get to the back. Been meaning to(but keep losing my bottle) to put it up to £22 but delayed cos o knew what his reaction would be. Christ was i right." I don't like paying you £18 a clean, if it goes up to £22,that'll mean i'm on £66 an hour as it only took me 20 arse,it took 35 mins of hard hard graft. Then i gets that the old shiner only used to charge £10.yep, where is he now???
I said i'd knock in 2 months to see after thinking about it, how he felt........Minutes later,it dawned on me that i won't be knocking in 2 months.....b@ll@x to him. I don't analyse his earnings. Whatever he earns, good luck to him, but i really can't handle these pillocks who secretly try and work out my hourly rate and then tell ME how much i'm on a day. I earn give or take £35 an hour and i'm thankful for that. £66???? I wish...........
Anyways,I'm now free of the job and it feels great. Life's too short Jeff,she'll only drag ya down to my level(not that i lost my rag) i dealt with this guy with proffesionalism(i think) I just shot every snidey comment that came out of his ill informed cake'ole to shreds. I know what ya all thinking,lol....That he's still getting to me...............Probably  ;)


  • Posts: 5855
,I'm now free of the job and it feels great. Life's too short Jeff,she'll only drag ya down to my level(not that i lost my rag) i dealt with this guy with proffesionalism(i think) I just shot every snidey comment that came out of his ill informed cake'ole to shreds. I know what ya all thinking,lol....That he's still getting to me...............Probably  ;)
I did the same instead of keeping my mouth shut for a change, I shot her down in flames with quick of the cuff remarks.

She won't drag me down and thats a cert, as soon as I pick up another custy in this area, I will personally lift her other leg into the bin and slam the bl**dy thing shut on her  ;D ;D
If I don't pick up anymore in this area, I'll probablly do the above next time I'm there Lol.


  • Posts: 1557


I've been in the same situation myself. Asking me to do all sorts of dangerous things that I said no to, only to get a dirty look. When reading though your post one house came to mind which I think I've already posted about but the job came with a batch of work that all came in at once. Someone phoned me and asked me to do them and all the neighbors which I agreed to but the one bloke wouldn't let me give him a price and was telling me how I have to use my ladders were to put them. He is was adamant that the job took half an hour and he paid is old bloke £8. I did it in an hour and didn't realize because I started at 8am on a sunday morning and was giving them all a first clean before putting them on my round. So after I finished I said " There is no way I can do that job for £8. I want £15." "It takes half an hour and I'm not going to pay a penny more. So I will leave you to think about it." was my reply from him so I started heading for the gate and Said " There is nothing to think about. If you want a professional that will do the job properly then ring me, if not get the other guy back."
I got a phone call the next day asking when I would come and told £15 would be fine.

Funny how when you walk off on people leaving it in your terms they seem different to when you give them a little lee way.   


  • Posts: 198
An old boy once told me "Don't do business with people you don't like."
I thought him daft, but it's true.  If you get that instant feeling about an iffy prospective customer DON'T do business with them. It will always come back and bite you. Don't try and take on the challenge, just walk away (unless you are really starving!)

I point out that I don't earn £30 an hour. The water production costs in consumables are on going, in addition to a large capitol investment. I also spend up to an hour and a hlaf every night organising my van and filling my tank, up dating George, getting the next days work schedule and making phone calls. None of this they either see or get charged for. They benefit because the pure water treats their windows to stay cleaner longer.

Apart from being quite boring and tedious as business types  they soon back off.



remmber this post

i never did do the house, i drove past, remmbered the advice i had on here and kept on driving, ive since spoken to her, i do all the other houses in the lane, she still doesnt have a window cleaner

your jobs looks the same ;)


  • Posts: 17015
With customers like that I tend to just give them the price and a business card and ask them to think about and call me if they want their windows done. Then I walk away.

It sort of puts you in the driving seat so to speak right from the outset. Also, I've found that with those types of people, they rarely phone.
Just chant..... Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It's beats chanting Tory Tory or Labour Labour.


  • Posts: 5855

remmber this post

i never did do the house, i drove past, remmbered the advice i had on here and kept on driving, ive since spoken to her, i do all the other houses in the lane, she still doesnt have a window cleaner

your jobs looks the same ;)
Its not the same house is it Matt?? :o :o
I do remember that post, maybe I'll be driving past her house soon ;D ;D

I just know this witch woman is going to be trouble, I'm going to hit the area around it tomorrow and canvas, Just have to get one and she's binned.

With customers like that I tend to just give them the price and a business card and ask them to think about and call me if they want their windows done. Then I walk away.

It sort of puts you in the driving seat so to speak right from the outset. Also, I've found that with those types of people, they rarely phone.

I understand what your saying ross, but I think she put a spell on me  ;D once I was under her spell, she manipulated me into doing work, I would have told others to stick up there backsides.


  • Posts: 17015
I understand what your saying ross, but I think she put a spell on me   once I was under her spell, she manipulated me into doing work, I would have told others to stick up there backsides.

Some people do have that ability don't they. Maybe that's why their rich.

Hi Matt

You still running that website that cannot be mentioned here? If so, could you email me address. Thanks.
Just chant..... Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It's beats chanting Tory Tory or Labour Labour.


  • Posts: 5855
Yes he is Ross  ;)
But don't tell anyone I gave you the link  ;D ;D